Published May 3, 2023
1 Post
I found out that a complaint has been filed against me with the state nursing board.
Do I need to get a license defense attorney to handle this? Online, the law firms have articles saying I need to. can anyone please tell me?
Thanks so much!
klone, MSN, RN
14,856 Posts
Always a good idea. That's one benefit to having personal malpractice insurance.
10 Articles; 18,926 Posts
Agree with Klone. The American Association of Nurse Attorneys has resources that may assist you,
4,322 Posts
If you post a question to an online forum asking whether you need a lawyer, you probably do.
And while there have been many posts here suggesting that personal malpractice insurance isn't necessary, I agree with @klone and have always maintained my own.
Best wishes.