Do I need a lawyer?


Specializes in Nurse.

I found out that a complaint has been filed against me with the state nursing board.

 Do I need to get a license defense attorney to handle this? Online, the law firms have articles saying I need to. 
can anyone please tell me?

Thanks so much!

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Always a good idea. That's one benefit to having personal

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Agree with Klone.  The American Association of Nurse Attorneys has resources that may assist you,

If you post a question to an online forum asking whether you need a lawyer, you probably do. 

And while there have been many posts here suggesting that personal isn't necessary, I agree with @klone and have always maintained my own.

Best wishes.

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