Do you feel unique about being a nursing student at your school?

Nursing Students General Students


At my university, there are four schools: College of Business Administration, College of Letters and Science, College of Education and Human Services, and of course, College of Nursing.

In my opinion, it feels great to be one of the 73 students in the nursing program at my university.

What about you? The same way?

I attend a community college. I do feel like being in the nursing program is special. When I walk through the halls, cafeteria, patio area, etc, I see all the traditional age students. (I'm 29.)

Anyway, they are all talking, laughing, cussing, the boys sort of showing out for the girls, and I think that most of them are fresh out of high school, taking general classes, with "undecided" as their major. Well, about 4 or 5 weeks into the semester, I noticed less milling about & less party-like atmosphere, and I knew that they were having their first tests. And I had to compare them to my classmates, who had alredy survived one test and 3 checkoffs, and numerous quizzes and a math competency test. Definitely no partying going on with my classmates. I wonder how the students I see as I walk to my classes would handle the stresses & pressure of the nursing program.

I think they would at the very least be forming a big, juicy, ulcer. :rotfl: At least, I think I am. :o

But I still feel proud that at least I have survived into October. :) I'm proud I am a nursing student!

Specializes in Critical Care, Cardiac Cath Lab.

I attend a community college (ADN program), and I definitely feel "unique" being a nursing student. There are only 64 of us (40 first-years and 24 second-years), and the student population for the entire school is probably into the thousands. All the nursing students stick together, all of our classes are in one building, etc., so we don't mingle much with the non-nursing students. I attended a large university for my Bachelor's degree, so I definitely feel "unique" now that I'm a member of such a small group. :)

I am extremely proud to be one of the 43 chosen to make up this years class. I walk the halls and sidewalks and feel as if I "belong" there.

Same as the little young "toodles" who hang around outside on their cell phones and giggle with their friends. :chuckle

How pathetic is that? :chuckle

Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

When I have my skills lab equipment (name tag, steth, etc.), I get "the look" from a lot of non-nursing students. Usually at least one will approach me with questions about the program and how hard is it to get in. It's not only unique but sort of elite. I'm over it though. It's often tough to find a hide away to study uninterrupted by the curious and wannabes.

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