Do having A&P first help with Microbiology?


I've been reading some posts and a lot of people said that having A&P helped with micro but our school doesn't require that Micro be taken after Anatomy and Physiology. My school also breaks these down into two seperate classes so I can either take Micro the same semester as Anatomy or the same semester as Physiology and I'm taking it with Anatomy in the fall because I still have a chem class which they suggest you take with Physio. Does having some kind of background in A&P matter when taking micro?

Specializes in LTC, Orthopedics.

I am currently taking both A&P and Micro...I really don't think it helps you out in any way if you take A & P before hand. My micro class goes more into bacteria, viruses, protozoa we only looked at a human cell once in the very start of the semester. But school's do differ so maybe it does matter? I would take whatever the adviser told you to take together.

guiltysins - Generally speaking it's best to know about the human body when it comes to Micro, but you don't absolutely need to have it to do well in Micro. With that being said, I wouldn't recommed that you take 2 of the 6 required prereq. classes that most schools look for in the same semester. They both come with labs and that's more work to do. So unless you have the time to put into it (no job, husband, kids etc.) I wouldn't do it.

Micro is alot of FUN! Enjoy!

I have the time to put in it as I don't have any other commitments. I took Chem and Bio together this semester and didn't really have any problems. Of course I'd love if I didn't have to take my last four science classes together but unless I want to spend two more years doing those last four courses, when I've already been in college for two years and finished all the college requirements and since I can't afford summer classes at the school, I have no choice but to take at least two of them in a semester to be able to start nursing in Fall 2010.

I've taken two general bio classes already which briefly touched on bacteria, fungi, viruses and how they reproduce ect.

guiltysins - Generally speaking it's best to know about the human body when it comes to Micro, but you don't absolutely need to have it to do well in Micro. With that being said, I wouldn't recommed that you take 2 of the 6 required prereq. classes that most schools look for in the same semester. They both come with labs and that's more work to do. So unless you have the time to put into it (no job, husband, kids etc.) I wouldn't do it.

Micro is alot of FUN! Enjoy!

Specializes in Medical/Surgical/Transplant ICU.

We went into great detail about the immune system in my micro class, and having learned it beforehand in A&P would have helped me because my prof was a bit on the confusing side.

Specializes in LTC and Home Health.

I think you have a solid plan, especially if you have time to devote to study. I took Anatomy, Physiology and Micro at the same time and did well because no kids no job, just DH.

We covered a fair amount of the immune system in micro as well, but what you need to know should be covered adequately within the class, if you have a decent instructor. I think that anatomy is a good one to take with micro because it's memorization based while Mirco includes a lot of processes. Taking micro and phys concurrently is strongly discouraged by my instructor, especially for those with kids & jobs.

There is crossover between the classes, but they should just reinforce each other, regardless of order.

My biggest suggestion, for people who have time, is to take medical terminology because it REALLY gives you a good base of knowledge for all the scientific/medical language.

Good Luck

Specializes in Perinatal.

I think organic chem is more important to take than A&P. There wasn't much that pertained to A&P that wasn't already common sense, at least in my class. Lots of chem, though!

I would take the anatomy classes first if I was you. At least at my school they kind of build up to micro. I am in micro now and its not bad at all, but if I had never seen the stuff before, it would be a different story.


I'm taking micro right now, so far I've only needed to know basic cell stuff, DNA transcription/translation,

and protein synthesis.

Otherwise, everything we've learned has been new.

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