DNP and working full time?


I was wondering if anyone has gone through a DNP program or is going through one right now? If so, can you work while you are going through the program or is it like medical school where you can't work?



Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.
Specializes in Anesthesia.

I am full time DNAP student, similar to the DNP, at TWU right now and work full-time plus. It is difficult but doable.

Hi Tiffany - I work full-time (and then some) and am a full-time student in a DNP program. I would say that it is definitely possible to do both, but I think that it is important to find the right DNP program. I declined a spot in a very well known DNP program because I realized that it wouldn't fit into my current life situation, which requires me to work full-time. I also have a very flexible work schedule, which makes a difference too. Best of luck to you!

I think it depends on your program. If you already have your MSN, then it might not be as rigorous. If it is instead of an MSN then it might be more difficult.

It is doable. I worked 24 hours and went full time. I could have done it with full time work, would have been a little stressful at times though. If you are already a practicing clinician then it would be a little easier. You will be doing more paper writing than anything else. If you already have an MSN then the DNP is a degree completion program. Even if it is a little stressful, it will only be for a little more than one year.

I don't want to high jack the thread, but BCRNA, can you tell me what DNP program only takes a little over a year with an MSN? It was my understanding that most programs would take me 2 years going full time and 3-4 years going part time? Thank you!!

Specializes in Anesthesia.
I don't want to high jack the thread, but BCRNA, can you tell me what DNP program only takes a little over a year with an MSN? It was my understanding that most programs would take me 2 years going full time and 3-4 years going part time? Thank you!! MSN to dnp programs that take about a year our out there you just have to really search for them, but with around 150 DNP programs you can find a few of them.

Hi Tiffany,

This is a little bit of a late reply, but yes, you can work and do a DNP program at the same time. I work full time (and then some!) and am in a BSN-DNP program. I am going part time which means it will take approximately four years to complete. This is a very longterm commitment, however knowing my current life situation (full time work and two small children) I could not handle school full time too. This fall was my first semester and I completed it with a 4.0. So go for it!


Specializes in OB/GYN.

Just like everyone else said, it is difficult but doable. I worked full time and took 4-5 classes my first year in my BSN-DNP program, but I'm hoping and planning to cut work back when it's time for clinicals.

Specializes in ACNP-BC.

Hi! I am working full time as an NP and am hoping to do a post MSN DNP program part time this fall. I hope I can keep up with the schedule because I have to work full time

Specializes in ER and family advanced nursing practice.

I worked full time during my DNP. I was able to do my final project at my place of work and that helped quite a bit.

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