Disqualifying Job Applicants based on Credit History

Nurses General Nursing


Hi everyone,

2BaNurse's post about her financial predicament and many responses to her made me want to put a question out there.

Do you think it is fair for an employer to disqualify a job applicant based upon a poor credit rating or bad credit report?

Hello 2banurse. I assume you are taking prereqs, since you mentioned you haven't applied for nursing school yet....however, just curious..are you employed? Because many of us who went to nursing school HAD to work while attending school...some p/t and some of us had to work f/t while in nursing school, as well as acquire stafford loans too.

Also, have you checked at your financial aid office at your college for possible scholarships as well? Just a thought.

Good luck with everything.

On the bottom of the form for a past credit card or credit instrument, a BLANKET release was signed saying any creditor affilliated with the creditor you are now applying for credit with has the right to SHARE your credit report and release it to others.

Somewhere back there you unknowingly signed it, not knowing what it was or whatever, and granted permission for them to do this. It's pretty standard in credit cards. That is where you get the platinum credit card offers.

And Flowerchild, you are right! Those that confuse planning with good luck just simply have not had the bad ball bounce their way, we are all vulnerable to events that can destroy one's finances in a microsecond. Sure, good planning, discipline, and all the other components of a responsible financial posture can contribute to the well being and the final result...but do not be so naive to think that you are not also very lucky.

VSummer, kudos to you!

2banurse...stay in school. That is part of the planning everyone is talking about here.

Originally posted by funnygirl_rn

Hello 2banurse. I assume you are taking prereqs, since you mentioned you haven't applied for nursing school yet....however, just curious..are you employed? Because many of us who went to nursing school HAD to work while attending school...some p/t and some of us had to work f/t while in nursing school, as well as acquire stafford loans too.

Also, have you checked at your financial aid office at your college for possible scholarships as well? Just a thought.

Good luck with everything.

When I had started this past semester, I had been employed...full-time actually. I had been able to work around my school schedule working both at home and at the job. Just prior to signing up for this last semester I sat down with them and tried to work out a school schedule with them which at that time they approved. 3 weeks into the semester, their tone changed and they wanted me to work 9-5. Unfortunately, after the first week if you drop classes you lose all the tuition money. I had also gotten a scholarship which actually covered the tuition (student loan covers living expenses) and I would have had to pay that back...so I would have only been deeper in debt.

I had decided that for this term, I would finish my term and work really hard and once I was done, I would look for some work. Unfortunately, the pneumonia kind of side tracked me, but once I'm on my feet, I will look for something.


Specializes in Home Health.

I got ya flowerchild! :) Wish we could all be so lucky!


This has turned into quite the post. I am glad so many of you have shared your thoughts and feelings.

Flower child mentioned something interesting that most Americans have a C- to D rating. A few years ago I had to have a credit check so that I could get an apartment. Now, I have a large student loan which I had faithfully paid on time every month. I had one credit card which I paid faithfully on time every month and I had a decent paying job. I have an older car which I own and always make my insurance payments on time. Much to my surprise when the check came back I was rated a C just because I had debt.

My husband and I now have a home, but we live frugally. We don't go out much, both own 10 year old cars, keep the thermostat turned to 64 degrees in the winter so that we don't have outrageous heating bills, etc. We were actually driving around town last week and I saw a homeless person and I actually said "There by the grace of god go I." I guess because I was once unemployed and could not find any type of job at all I know how that anything in this world can happen. You can have an accident, become ill and even loose your job for a while.

I am not denying that some people get themselves into trouble. I have a BIL who has made a habit of CC debt, check fraud, bankruptcy. He is a thief and a liar and I would no sooner hire him than someone that is in prison. But I also know of people who have no choice in the matter. That due to circumstances beyond anyone's control they now have debt.

I guess what bothers me is do most employers that look at your credit report take any of these things into consideration? I doubt it.

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