Dismissed From ADN Program After 2 Course Failure

Nursing Students General Students


I was dismissed from my ADN program after I failed two courses in my second semester. The school policy is that student are dismissed from the program after two course failure or one course failure and a class withdrawl.

What should I do now? I applied for an accelerated program but was denied admission. Should I try an appeal the admission departments decision? What are some options? I do not want to change programs/ consider other career paths.

I need help.

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

If you failed 2 classes in a traditional program, why do you think you could handle the even tougher pace of an accelerated program? At this point, your options are few. Many programs will not accept you if you've failed out of another program unless some significant time has passed.

You should really analyze what caused you to fail, so you can correct these issues. Be brutally honest with yourself and don't make excuses. It's the only way you're going to begin to move forward.

Make sure you have a good back-up plan :)

I've been debating on whether to post this, and decided to do it.

Many times on AN, students will post how they've always wanted to be a nurse, that it's a passion/dream/life goal. And some of those times, we'll read that a student has failed one course, two, three. They failed fundamental classes, or they failed a clinical component. And inevitably, we'll read that changing a career path is not an option, that they MUST become a nurse.

Sometimes, it's someone who has passed nursing school requirements, only to find that they cannot pass the minimum competency exam, the NCLEX. Two, three, five, six tries...even moving to another State that allows further attempts (circumventing the whole POINT of limiting testing tries)....and still they persevere. And fail.

Ok, we get the desire. When you have your heart set on something, it's nearly impossible to imagine that it might not come to pass. After all, who has ever WANTED to give up on a dream?

But the thing is, not everyone will pass. Not everyone will be able to make the cut. Not everyone, no matter what the desire, will have what it takes to get through the program, or pass the licensing exam. It sucks, I get it, but the fact is......if anyone recognizes himself or herself in the aforementioned descriptions....it's time to make a change to a different career goal.

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