Discouraged, opinions please


Hi all

I am a second semester nursing student, I just finished my 5 week maternity rotaion and LOVED it, got tons of compliments from nurses at the hospital, told by my instructor that I have unlimited potential in this field, she says it seems to be my nitch so here is my problem.

We took our Maternity test today and had 10 diagrams(in addition to 65 multiple choice questions) to label and I did HORRIBLE to the point my teacher told me that "she is disappointed in me, due to having such high expectations from me" I have not gotten my grade for the full test she just briefely looked at the diagrams. I am now completely discouraged that maybe maternity is not right for me. I am an excellent student and can hold my own in clinical(I am starting as a nurses aid this Sat to help with my clinical skills on a med/surg floor) but now I am doubting my ability to be a nurse especially an OB nurse, I feel like if I cant do well in a rotation thatt is my passion how can I be a good nurse.

any opinions?

thanks so much


The diagrams are NO indication of your future success. Don't let some instructor who hasn't been on a floor in years scare you! Just get out of school and follow your heart. You do all the important learning AFTER you graduate, no matter what the specialty!

Thnanks, and I guess all I got wrong were the diagrams, I got a 90 on my test which comes out to 7 wrong, I KNOW I got 7 wrong on the diagrams:) I am still doubting my ability to do this, but this grade will help me go on.

I hope to one day be a regular on this board, and thanks for all the support it means SO MUCH


Specializes in ICU, CCU, Trauma, neuro, Geriatrics.

If one test could tell us all where you should be, WOW that would be super. But if you really love that area of nursing, just plod on and go there eventually. Don't be discouraged. You got compliments so you have the bedside manner for that type of nursing. Good Luck

I vividly remember freaking out about test scores during nursing school. But, and fellow RNs back me up on this, my grades never had anything at all to do with one MINUTE of my nursing career. It is far more important to have the knack for it. And if the nurses on the floor were complimenting you, well, I'd take that information far more to heart than the test score. You're going to be fine, just keep believing!

Memories of school... :::shudder:::

I vividly remember freaking out about test scores during nursing school. But, and fellow RNs back me up on this, my grades never had anything at all to do with one MINUTE of my nursing career. It is far more important to have the knack for it. And if the nurses on the floor were complimenting you, well, I'd take that information far more to heart than the test score. You're going to be fine, just keep believing!

Memories of school... :::shudder:::

I agree 150%!! The clinicals weed out those who arae not meant to be there, or the first job does........one or the other.

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