Discharged from first nursing job what next?

Nurses Job Hunt


Specializes in LPN.

I am in process of being terminated from work if FLMA doesn't go through. Need advice at a lost what do I say to future potential employers why leaving current job? Been employed at my current hospital for almost 4 years and 1 year as a nurse.

I appreciate the insight.

Specializes in Occupational Health.

If you've worked the requisite amount of hours to claim FMLA why wouldn't your claim be authorized?


Specializes in LPN.
sleepwalker said:

If you've worked the requisite amount of hours to claim FMLA why wouldn't your claim be authorized?


Not sure if FLMA will cover it. I rarely call out. Working nights called out basically 8 times since November (4 if count COVID. 2 other shifts due to consecutive call out & being pulled out for work).

It is FLMA for one day I called out and if it doesn't go through high probability of being terminated.

Specializes in Occupational Health.

Just be honest with why you were let go and have a prepared response on what you learned from the experience and what you've done to ensure it won't happen again.

Just don't try and place the blame or make excuses.

Specializes in LPN.
sleepwalker said:

Just be honest with why you were let go and have a prepared response on what you learned from the experience and what you've done to ensure it won't happen again.

Just don't try and place the blame or make excuses.

I take responsibility for it. Working nights was the issue should of realized wasn't the right fit. Working days is better. Not sure how to spin it if a night position is offered. At the moment is a day position.

If you know nights isn't a fit for you, why even think of accepting one? You will be right back where you are now. 

FMLA is not meant for a one or two day absence from work. 

Can you be upfront with your boss/HR about night shift just not working out & see if there are other options so you can remain employed there if that is what you are wanting?

If not, consider home health or hospice, outpatient dialysis, MD offices, or similar - they are day jobs & regardless you can tell a future employer night shift became difficult for you to maintain thus you are seeking a better fit for yourself & the employer. The less details the better.

Specializes in LPN.
OnceIWas said:

If you know nights isn't a fit for you, why even think of accepting one? You will be right back where you are now. 

FMLA is not meant for a one or two day absence from work. 

Can you be upfront with your boss/HR about night shift just not working out & see if there are other options so you can remain employed there if that is what you are wanting?

If not, consider home health or hospice, outpatient dialysis, MD offices, or similar - they are day jobs & regardless you can tell a future employer night shift became difficult for you to maintain thus you are seeking a better fit for yourself & the employer. The less details the better.

I am not sure where my job status is woth current employer. FLMA won't probably go through. Was offered a day position at another facility but it's about 60 cents less an hour. Not sure what to do.

Wouldn't the 60 less be worth being on days for your health and well being as it sounds like working nights was a large part of why you were unhappy.

FMLA may buy you time w/your current employer but you do know FMLA is only paid if YOU have the PTO time, it is not paid time the employer gives you. FMLA only protects your employment for up to a certain time, it does not protect your position nor is it a paycheck like disability. FMLA is also not used for a few days away from work, most of the time it has to be an extended period of time - at least a few weeks.

Maybe I am not understanding your posts but if you want day shift, you have an offer for it. You would be working the shift you want. 60 less an hour working 12 hr shifts equates to less than $22 a week so about $88/month. Not a huge difference if you are getting what you want schedule wise.

Specializes in LPN.

I currently make $25.11 an hour as an LPN. Differential for evening and nights is $2.50 and $3 on the weekend. Do work nights.

They gave me the official offer it is $24 an hour. Differential is just $2 an hour evenings and weekends. Would be 5 hours of making $26 an hour after week 1. Then would work weekends for next 3 months due to family scheduling issues. So that's an additional $2 extra an hour for 24 hours a week. Has a sign on bonus of $10,000 with 25% payout every 6 months.

Specializes in CCRN, CPAN.

I am not sure where my job status is woth current employer. FLMA won't probably go through. Was offered a day position at another facility but it's about 60 cents less an hour. Not sure what to do.

It seems taking the cut in pay to go days is very much worth it. I'm not sure why you're having to use FMLA, but I thought that if you have a family issue or health problem that causes you to have to take a day off, it would be covered and it would protect you from being let go. Depending on the FMLA issue, if it's possible to focus on going on days and keeping your health, it's worth it. 


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