

Just wanted to share my experience with others and see if anyone has any advice or words of encouragement for me. In February 2013 I got caught diverting narcotics at work. I had also gotten a DWI in March 2012 and another one in December 2013. This was all just a terrible time in my life in the grips of active addiction. I started in the Alternative to Discipline Program in March 2013. Since then, I have been 100% compliant with the program, going to NA, doing service work and being totally pro-active in my own recovery. I have been applying to jobs ever since I have been able to work again and went on numerous interviews to continue to be turned down. Well, last month I finally received a job offer with Fresenius. I was beyond excited and so VERY grateful that someone finally decided to give me a chance!!! I took the drug screen, filled out all the paper work and then they called and said they needed to interview me regarding my background check. I was open and honest regarding the DUI's, going to treatment, my monitoring program and especially my continued abstinence and program of recovery. Well, they called today to tell me that they were not going to continue with the job offer and that I could apply again in 6 months. This is just so disappointing for me and my family. We have been struggling for almost 3 years now. My husband lost his job in August and I have taken a job as a cashier at Walmart just to try to make ends (almost) meet. I feel like I will never get a job because of my background and feel so discouraged right now. I e-mailed the director who had hired me in the first place, just to thank her for giving me a chance and she told me to call her in 6 months, she knows I will be an asset to her team and she would try to hire me again. Any words of advice are appreciated. Thanks for listening.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

Keep your chin up and remember that phrase "This too shall pass." I know how hard it is to be not working and feel you have a scarlet letter attached to you every where you go and I am sure trying to make ends meet as a Walmart cashier feels very demoralizing, but you are doing the right thing. Work your program. Do you belong to any kind of Nurse support group. If so where are those nurses working and can you apply. I did in-patient psych while I was in diversion and It was a great job that did not require me to pass meds so I didn't need access to keys etc.... until my final year of monitoring when they to BON cut me loose of all restrictions to see if I could fly straight.

Peace and Namaste


Thank you. How would I go about finding a Nurse Support Group in my area?

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

In my State the BON program requires all nurses belong to a support group of nurses in recovery that meets once a week. They keep a list. If your state doesn't require this look for a Caduceus Club or Google Medical Professionals in Recovery - I used to run an on-line one but it sort of fizzled out when a bunch of trolls tried to use it for the wrong purposes (to try to game the system and cheat). There is also a 12 step alternative called Celebrate Recovery but I don't know if that is accepted by your BON. If you go to enough Speaker Meetings you are bound to find a Nurse or two out there.


Hang in there! Things will get better. Stay focused on family and your sobriety and keep hitting the pavement until that perfect job comes to you. I'm sorry your going through hard times.

I suggest you try Davita, Renal Ventures, US Renal or a psychiatric hospital. Where are you located and do you have dialysis experience? If yes, then you know the challenges of dialysis. If no, then express your ability to work in a very fast paced, chaotic environment because that is how outpatient dialysis is but only if that is what you thrive on. You must possess quick thinking and the ability to intervene at a moments notice. It is a great place for nurses in recovery and nurses in general who don't like to sit! Most have done away with all mood altering substances which is a huge plus. Caduceus and nurse support groups are very helpful and also a good place to network. I drive an hour to my nurse support group weekly and there is no better place to receive support, advice, guidance and a place to VENT.

With hard work and sincere motivation this too shall pass...

I have no real answers for you, but I was given a chance last September by a local hospital after being suspended for noncompliance with monitoring. I relapsed nearly a year ago and I am working a program of recovery again. My RN License was reinstated last week. I am a single mother of 6 and I work at McDonald's and a film developing plant. I replied to your post to encourage you to hang in there and know that it could be worse. You are licensed and as long as you remain clean/sober...you live to fight another day

Hey Lostie1977, I truly appreciate your honesty. I believe there are reasons we go through these things--to help other people going through the same thing. I am in almost your exact situation. I am in the midst of the beginning of it since just recently getting fired from diverting(stealing) narcotics and then a horrible choice of drinking and getting a dwi. I didn't think it could get any worse after getting fired, but it did after one stupid mistake of driving. I have been either depressed, suicidal, ashamed, full of fear and guilt. I know I have two choices: give up(whatever that entails, leaving behind a two beautiful little girls and a wonderful wife who is pregnant) or keep fighting. I truly didn't think I would ever be in a situation like this, but her I sit. I don't know what my future holds in regards to nursing, but I am started to understand that if i'm not sober, nothing else matters. Every time I sit here and start feeling sad or guilty, I make myself think of something positive. That way it reminds me that I have a choice today, and that gives me hope. Just focus on today. Thank you againg for your honesty for it has helped me. God bless.

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