*sigh* This is a little bit of a vent.
I was all excited yesterday for nursing orientation at my school. I've been waiting forever for this! So we get all signed in and there is pretty much where the fun ended. I know nursing school is hard, I know it will be one of the hardest things i've done, I know it is not for everyone, but did we REALLY need to sit there for over three hours having them repeat it 29384925 times!? I know, I know, the weeding out thing, but for the love of all that is holy couldn't I just have had enjoyed orientation? Did the intimidation need to start NOW?
During the student panel question/answer time I basically got told by the one student that I'm setting myself up for failure because I have a child and work FT. Totally didn't answer the question I asked, just kept repeating that. *sigh*
I have a very supportive family, not just my dh, but my parents, sisters, and inlaws and a job that is semi-flexible. I'm organized and good at scheduling. While in my senior year of highschool I went to community college full time, my highschool partime, worked a full time job and lived on my own. I am capable of making this work. Geez. I hope all of nursing school isn't quite so depressing!