Direct Entry Programs- How hard to get in?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Thanks for all of your responses to all of my previous posts. As you probably assume, I'm evaluating all of my options including ADN, BSN, and Direct-Entry MSN. The direct entry programs look extremely appealing, but seeing that they are at the best of colleges, I don't know how easy they are to get in.

Does anyone know what the typical GPA, scores, acceptance rates of these programs are? Anyone have any experience applying?

I'm in MD, so I'd consider Hopkins, but Columbia, MGHI in Mass, Case Western, Vanderbilt, Pace, and Yale also look appealing.

Seeing as nursing traditionally isn't an "ivy league" profession, are the credentials required for these programs less than what a typical "ivy" student would need?

I'd love to hear experiences with any programs.........

Don't be silly ... you didn't come across as a downer at all.

I can imagine how stressed out you are (I am stressed and I don't have a husband and two kids!) but keep the long-term goal in site !! This is obvioulsy something that is very important to you and that you've worked very hard to accomplish. In the long-run, you striving for your goals/dreams is what will be best for you and your family !!

Keep your head up ... and GOOD LUCK !!

Specializes in Postpartum.

Hi Jen-

Thanks for your responses. I'm glad I didn't come across as a huge :stone LOL! That's good to know about Simmons. It may well be that my friend's experience had more to do with how the Dix program is run than the school of nursing, per se. I have another friend who got her MAT at Simmons about 5 years ago. She was working FT as a teacher at the same time- so it was gruelling but she really liked the program.

I am going to specialize in Women's Health. Regis doesn't have that track so I chose Family there. I'm not sure how many are accepted to MGH- but I think the class size is around 60 ish. I'm going to the infosession there this Sat so I'll post when I know more specifics. My general sense is that it is a tad easier to get inot than BC. A friend of mine got rejected from BC last year but was waitlisted at MGH. He's reapplied to both and also got accepted to Regis this year.

I know going to school will totally benefit my family and me in the long run. And I've put so much work into research and volunteering and pre reqs that maybe it is just a case of cold feet now that school may actually be a reality. Silly to say but my kids being sick this past week was a real eye opener for me. What do you do with sick kids when you work or are in school/clinicals? My husband works FT too and can't really take 3 days off of work. I couldn't just not show up to clincals. They were really too sick to have gone to daycare- so what on earth do parents do in situations like that? I know it can be done and families have two parents working all the time- but it just hasn't been my reality- so I'm trying to figure it all out. :confused:


I know going to school will totally benefit my family and me in the long run. And I've put so much work into research and volunteering and pre reqs that maybe it is just a case of cold feet now that school may actually be a reality. Silly to say but my kids being sick this past week was a real eye opener for me. What do you do with sick kids when you work or are in school/clinicals? My husband works FT too and can't really take 3 days off of work. I couldn't just not show up to clincals. They were really too sick to have gone to daycare- so what on earth do parents do in situations like that? I know it can be done and families have two parents working all the time- but it just hasn't been my reality- so I'm trying to figure it all out. :confused:


That is a tough situation - it must be difficult to be pulled in so many directions. There will be tough times but I'm sure you and your family will be able to work through it! You definitely deserve this opportunity.

I attended and info session at MGH a couple of months ago but I can't recall of the details. It would be great to get a refresher after you go on saturday. I also have chosen Women's health but I am far from being absolutely decided - at least I stilll have time to change my mind.

Hope everyone feels better soon !!

- Jen

Specializes in Postpartum.

Thanks Jen for the support! I think it all will seem more manageble when there are fewer unknowns, you know? I just want those darn letters to arrive! :rotfl:

That's cool that you are thinking Women's Health as well. Where did you go to undergrad? Are you from Boston originally?

I'll definitely post to the thread after the MGH infosession on Sat. I did for the BC one too- it is a few pages back.


Just thought I'd pipe in and mention that I, too, am really freaked out about having to go back into the entry MSN after having been an at home mom for so long!! I've been home pretty much all the time, I have a 5 and 2 year old. And am a single mom, so going back for school wasn't even an option for me. I think in the long run we are all doing what is best for our families... as scary as it may seem! I'm sure there will be some tough times ahead but it will all be worth it in the end... or so I've kept telling myself too! ;)

Best of luck!!

(and yeah, I've wodnered how these other moms can do this!!)

Wow ... good for you both !! When I feel overwhelmed I will have to remember how lucky/easy I have it.

Jess - I did my undergrad at Fairfield University in CT. I am originally from southern NH but moved to Boston after graduationg from Fairfield in '02. I had always thought about going into an medical field but for one reason or another I ended up w/ a BS in business (yawn!). It wasn't the career for me but, I think I am actually more excited to be doing my nursing eduation this way as opposed to the traditional BSN-MSN route. I think I will get a lot more out of my eduacation doing it as an adult. How about you ... what has brought you to advanced practice nursing?

Another question for anyone out there ... is anyone planning on taking pre-reqs during the summer before their direct entry program starts? For example, if I go to Simmons, I will take both A&P and BioChem during the summer before actually nursing classes start in sept. As it gets closer I am getting nervous about the accelorated pace of the classes. Does anyone have any feeback on this?



Specializes in NICU.
Another question for anyone out there ... is anyone planning on taking pre-reqs during the summer before their direct entry program starts? For example, if I go to Simmons, I will take both A&P and BioChem during the summer before actually nursing classes start in sept. As it gets closer I am getting nervous about the accelorated pace of the classes. Does anyone have any feeback on this?



Here's the story my dad told me last week when I started to spaz about the Columbia program. When he started at Yale law school, the dean got all the students together on the first night and said this: You guys made it this far. You're good enough to be here. You're smart enough to be here, otherwise you wouldn't have been accepted. We've been doing this a long time, and we think we weed people out pretty well. You can do this. Just relax, don't try to prove anything, and do what you came here to do.

Hope it helps!!!

Thank you all so much for discussing being freaked out about not getting in, and . . . getting in.

I feel the same way. I think OMG I've worked so hard and put so much time and emotional energy into research and applying, that if I don't get in, I'll be crushed. But when I imagine getting in, I think, oh gawd I'm not so young anymore how will I ever make it through that first year. I'm 44 and I get tired a lot faster than the young ones. What if I get sick? What if my back goes out? And on and on my mind goes.

Knowing that others are going through the same tells me that this is a normal part of the process, and also the normal result of not knowing whether we're even in or not.

I don't have children myself, but I did have a friend who made it through the UCSF master's entry program and she had two little ones. She was older like me, and she made it through. So it may not be easy, but it can be done.

All we can do is take it a day at a time. I try to remind myself that if I get in, and that's a big if, I'll do the best I can and if it doesn't work out I'll at least have tried. Some things are beyond our control, kids get sick we get sick, spouses act up, but we have to try. If it doesn't work, then we try again, or try something else. But at least we know in our hearts that we took a risk and tried our best.

Here's the story my dad told me last week when I started to spaz about the Columbia program. When he started at Yale law school, the dean got all the students together on the first night and said this: You guys made it this far. You're good enough to be here. You're smart enough to be here, otherwise you wouldn't have been accepted. We've been doing this a long time, and we think we weed people out pretty well. You can do this. Just relax, don't try to prove anything, and do what you came here to do.

Hope it helps!!!

Great advise ... thanks for the pep talk !!

Hello everyone who is playing the waiting game, and others who are celebrating,

Thanks for posting back with some information, by the way.

I got a letter, a form letter, today from Vanderbilt, stating my application has gone for "faculty review," and the letter was dated 2/15/05. The form also checks off any prerequisite coursework I haven't completed (2 courses I'm enrolled in this semester) and reminds applicants that they need to complete prerequisites before actual enrollment in the fall (not before being accepted into the program though). The admissions coordinator included a card and said to call or e-mail with any questions.

This is probably all very boring to everyone else, but I agonized over what was in this very thin letter with the Vanderbilt logo on it before opening it.

Well, we'll see if they really send out they're acceptance/nonacceptance letters on 2/28/05 like they told me.

No word from MGH, but yes, I did get the standard e-mail when I first applied and was told first week of March when I called.

I look forward to updates from everyone soon.

Hello everyone who is playing the waiting game, and others who are celebrating,

This is probably all very boring to everyone else, but I agonized over what was in this very thin letter with the Vanderbilt logo on it before opening it.

Well, we'll see if they really send out they're acceptance/nonacceptance letters on 2/28/05 like they told me.

No word from MGH, but yes, I did get the standard e-mail when I first applied and was told first week of March when I called.

I look forward to updates from everyone soon.

Hey CAG12345,

It's not boring to hear you are in the same boat as a lot of us. We all share in your anxieties and hopes. Do let us know what happens! We're all routing for you!


Specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.
Wow ...

Another question for anyone out there ... is anyone planning on taking pre-reqs during the summer before their direct entry program starts? For example, if I go to Simmons, I will take both A&P and BioChem during the summer before actually nursing classes start in sept. As it gets closer I am getting nervous about the accelorated pace of the classes. Does anyone have any feeback on this?



Hello Jen, (Gennaver here-Jen)

Nice to read you. Are you planning on taking A&P 1 and 2 as well as Biochem all in the summer semester?

You may want to gear up for that because even though those are fun classes and interesting I have found at a couple of community colleges and universities that I've attended that sometimes those are weed out classes. So, basically, my suggestion is to really know who the professor is for your summer classes! Find one who is student friendly, (that material does cover a lot and quickly).

Also, maybe another downer, maybe not, does the biochem have a pre-req? Gen chem, organic chem? If you are good to go you are indeed good to go. For me though I did the A&P 2 and the Gen Chem together over an 8 week summer session and between that and work only got Bs in both.

While I do think it might be a stretch to do three sciences over the summer I believe it is doable, the only true hard thing would be getting permission and finding availability for those.

Good luck!!


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