I am hoping someone can shed some light on this. I've not worked a lot with NG tubes before (I typically work with profoundly disabled kids who have G tubes) however I've come into a situation where NG tubes are more commonplace and I'm having a bit of trouble with them, even after reading all my texts and speaking with my educator etc.
In particular I'm having trouble aspirating stomach contents via an NG tube. When I pull back on a tube with a syringe the syringe will typically come up empty, with just air in it. If I flush the tube with 10mL of fluid and then pull back I can get the same fluid back (typically about 3/4 of it) with what looks like some feed in it - but I can't get pure gastric contents on plain aspiration.
Where have I gone wrong? Can any point point me in the right direction or in the direction of some useful literature. My texts are failing me on this one!