Didactic Course Work


Specializes in Pediatric and Women's Health.

Good evening everyone,

My name is Carmella and am applying for a Pre-Speciality MSN program Fall 2021. All nurse pre-req's are taken care of.

Are there any suggestions in how I can make the most out of the "gap year"? Is or has there ever been a student that was able to take didactic RN licensure courses without being in a program? Are there any ways a student can begin taking care of those primary RN pre-licensure courses, before the program?

Thank you


Specializes in Dialysis.

I'm confused. Are you already an RN?

Specializes in Pediatric and Women's Health.
47 minutes ago, Hoosier_RN said:

I'm confused. Are you already an RN?

Pre-Speciality means not an RN.

Specializes in school nurse.
1 hour ago, Mt. Tahan-NP said:

Pre-Speciality means not an RN.

Confusing nomenclature. I think direct entry is the most commonly used term.

If you'll have had no hands on experience before clinical courses start, I'd recommend taking a CNA course and getting some in a hospital or a rehab.

Specializes in Dialysis.

Per ToS, you will need to change your username, you aren't an NP, and can't specialize in the things you have listed, yet

Get your RN first, get experience, then become an NP.

Personally, I disagree with getting a Masters in a subject that you can’t possibly have mastered. You become a master through practice.

That’s my two cents.

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