I'm curious...did you guys work while going through Nursing school? I'm 24 years old, and I have a stable 7-5 job. I make decent money working in a city government job. I have my own place, I have a car payment, and I do have some bills. I attend night school in trying to get my Bachelors in Business (HR), but now that I'm getting closer to getting it, I'm starting to realize that this is not what I wanna do for the rest of my life. I've ALWAYS wanted to be a nurse! I really really wanna do this, and I started looking at programs at some community colleges by where I live. THe route that I'm going is to get my ASN. The problem is that alot of the classes are during the fact, I think all the classes are during the day, so I guess that means that I would not be able to keep my stable job that I have now. How did you guys do it? Did you not work at all, or did you work part-time? Or were you able to work a regular full time job and getting your RN license at the same time?