Did you receive a politically biased education?

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Hello everyone,

I'm a nursing student currently completing a Bachelor of Nursing in New Zealand, and I'd like to gain a persepctive on what nursing school in other parts of the world (particularly the US) are like. Currently, the education I am receiving is highly politically biased - everything is taught in a "liberal" political perspective. Is this the same deal in the US? I feel the education I'm receiving just shouldn't be this politically biased. I'm not writing this to challenge anyone's political views, but I feel that every student undergoing a degree programme should have academic freedom to express their thoughts. All of the written assignments I have written have had to be written in a pro-liberal perspective. If I were to write an assignment in a "conservative" perspective I'd get heavily penalised, and I have not met "course criteria". Additionally, I have not heard a single pro-conservative argument discussed in any of my classes. I'm politically conservative (minority in NZ), and I'm not claiming liberal ideas are wrong. However they are not my beliefs. To give you an idea, here are some points I've had to "accept" in class and/or in my written assignments, without question.

- Healthcare is a right, and socialied medicine should unquestionably remain;

- Every time a conservative government is elected, healthcare outcomes worsen;

- Government should make more laws and regulations to keep us safer and increase health outcomes (I.e. mandatory vaccinations, mandatory adding of fluoride to our water supply);

- Capitalism, and the resulting social stratification, leads to poverty, which leads to disparities in health. Hence, large corporations and the weathy should be taxed more than the poor, to reduce inequality and lead to more desirable and equal health outcomes for all (effectively anti-capitalist ideas, Marxist ideas were supported in my sociology classes);

- We must have extensive social services (social welfare) as the poor cannot afford health care (culture of dependency ignored entirely);

- Minority cultures have the right to receive more fiancial support from government in order to increase their health outcomes;

- Unhealthy foods should be taxed more than healthy foods (same deal with cigarettes);

- New Zealand cannot support a private healthcare sector due to our population size;

- Most the most part, pro-life and anti-euthanasia opinions are drowned out by the majority view (pro-choice, pro legalised euthanasia).

- Making the individual responsible for their own health care is "victim blaming".

Opinions regarding the benefits of a free market society, benefits of our capitalist system, that social welfare can create a 'culture of dependency', individual responsibility for health outcomes, lowering goods and services tax in general are examples of conservative ideas NEVER discussed.

Thoughts? Any discussion and input would be greatly appreciated.   

I'm not sure about your program, but I know that the majority of legitimate educational institutions here train in evidence based medicine. So while you may hear "conservative ideals bad", they may be saying "studies are showing that health outcomes are less positive under conservative governments". Here in the states current research is showing that conservative policies are having negative impacts on health outcomes - increases in unplanned pregnancy and attempted self-abortion, for example, in states that are shutting down women's clinics.

I fully support people having their own evidence based opinions, so I can only encourage you to seek out research supporting yours and requesting the source papers or checking footnotes for them when you receive or hear something you feel to be biased. One of the awesome things about nursing is that there are studies and research about most of our topics so it's easy to get in there and learn more when we're intrigued or challenged by something we're taught. It's hard when something challenges a deeply held belief but being open to new information is critical to our development as nurses.

I guess you can find "studies" showing whatever "outcomes" you are defending, but, other than that......uhh....yeah....NO!

I'm not sure what you mean? Do you mean that you don't believe in scientific studies?

No, I only meant the "current research" you quote in your first paragraph is subjective, and not at all supported by the majority of evidence based research available currently in peer-reviewed journals, JAMA, AACN, etc.

Specializes in Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.
No, I only meant the "current research" you quote in your first paragraph is subjective, and not at all supported by the majority of evidence based research available currently in peer-reviewed journals, JAMA, AACN, etc.

Then you must be referring to a different JAMA than the Journal of American Medical Association. I just had to prepare for a debate opposing the view that healthcare should be expanded to include undocumented immigrants. My university has access to CINAHL, PUBMED and the like, and I had a hell of time finding medically/scientific articles to support my views. I had to rely on philosophical and legal arguments.

On topics like abortion, the AMA states that they will not take a pro or con stance. However, the AMA states that abortion does not violate the principles of their medical ethics. Plus, both the AMA and ACOG oppose legislative interference with medical practice, and the interactions a woman has with her doctor regarding abortion. Additionally, these two groups state that abortion is an important aspect of women's health care. In fact, in 2013, both the AMA and ACOG joined forces to support Planned Parenthood against the state of Texas's HB 2 bill on the grounds that there was no scientific evidence to support it.

Even the UN recently declared abortion is a human right-- was that committee simply composed of a team of international SJWs stomping on conservative values for kicks? Or... do these representatives from countries across the globe simply recognize the importance of and value in comprehensive reproductive health?

Specializes in Dialysis.
You will find that you disagree with plenty of people during your career. If it is over an issue that is really worth fighting then come prepared with actual facts not crap you find from some blogger or biased news network.

My suggestion is to chose your battles wisely. You're in school to learn and graduate, not take a political stance.

Amen. And sometimes you learn to adjust your public stance for a good job. I won't argue politics or religion. You won't win an argument. Its easier to just respectfully listen to others points of view (and maybe even learn something) than to get in a snit over data that is subject to change due to variables. If only life were that simple

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

"Additionally, these two groups state that abortion is an important aspect of women's health care."

Health care involves healing, not murder. When a doctor dismembers an innocent baby, they didn't "heal" the baby; they murdered the baby and took a human life. The United Nations is not a humanitarian organization; they are corrupt. JAMA has written articles about abortion; and the parties in the article are paid by Planned Parenthood and associated with Planned Parenthood... conflict of interest...

Then you must be referring to a different JAMA than the Journal of American Medical Association. I just had to prepare for a debate opposing the view that healthcare should be expanded to include undocumented immigrants. My university has access to CINAHL, PUBMED and the like, and I had a hell of time finding medically/scientific articles to support my views. I had to rely on philosophical and legal arguments.

On topics like abortion, the AMA states that they will not take a pro or con stance. However, the AMA states that abortion does not violate the principles of their medical ethics. Plus, both the AMA and ACOG oppose legislative interference with medical practice, and the interactions a woman has with her doctor regarding abortion. Additionally, these two groups state that abortion is an important aspect of women's health care. In fact, in 2013, both the AMA and ACOG joined forces to support Planned Parenthood against the state of Texas's HB 2 bill on the grounds that there was no scientific evidence to support it.

Even the UN recently declared abortion is a human right-- was that committee simply composed of a team of international SJWs stomping on conservative values for kicks? Or... do these representatives from countries across the globe simply recognize the importance of and value in comprehensive reproductive health?

"Statements" from "groups" and UN "declarations" don't constitute evidence.

"Additionally, these two groups state that abortion is an important aspect of women's health care."

Health care involves healing, not murder. When a doctor dismembers an innocent baby, they didn't "heal" the baby; they murdered the baby and took a human life. The United Nations is not a humanitarian organization; they are corrupt. JAMA has written articles about abortion; and the parties in the article are paid by Planned Parenthood and associated with Planned Parenthood... conflict of interest...

So true!

I trust research that comes out of major universities.

I am currently in school. While most of our classes have not been politically biased we did have one class first semester that was very liberal and left winged. I learned about white power for the first time in this class. A term which I wasn't really familiar with, the class made me feel like a horrible human being for having more conservative views.

I am currently in school. While most of our classes have not been politically biased we did have one class first semester that was very liberal and left winged. I learned about white power for the first time in this class. A term which I wasn't really familiar with, the class made me feel like a horrible human being for having more conservative views.

Yep, I'm pretty sure that was the intent!

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

Ok provide evidence of this. At my university we were encouraged to debate many topics and we had people respectfully arguing their points. No one pushed any "liberal" agenda on us. You want to say stuff like this then provide some actual quantifiable data. Not "nearly all US universities". I am a military vet and we had Veteran appreciation days and they were attended by both the college Rs and college Ds. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't make it "leftist".

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