Published May 2, 2015
23 Posts
Did anyone find that they completed all of the questions before the test ended? Did you barely finish or run out of time? Were you able to go back and review if you had extra time?
5 Posts
I think they give you like 4 hours and I was done in an hour. Piece of cake.
52 Posts
It depends on what kind of test taker you are and how fast you can answer certain questions. To me it was not a piece of cake and DO take your time. Do not rush. Some sections are easier for others, some are not.
234 Posts
I ran out of time on the math portion. i got caught up with a confusing question and just lost track. Just keep an eye on how many questions the are and how long you have in each section.
As for going back and reviewing. If i recall correctly, you can't.
11 Posts
I almost ran out of time on the math portion. My advice would be if you get stuck on a problem, go to the next one and go back to the one you skipped later. I hated the fact that I spent so much time on some problems that I couldn't figure out, then practically guessed, and saw problems at the end that I could have done easily but I couldn't because the time was running out.
alexis_brickcity, BSN, RN
105 Posts
@sldFutureRN you finished the WHOLE test in an hour? really? what was your score?
I finished before the test was over. The only section that I almost didn't finish in time was the Math. I strongly advice you to answer the questions that are easiest to you FIRST, then go back and answer the others. Theoretically speaking, they only give you 1 min and 30sec for each question. But at the same time don't rush, I know it's such a contradiction. If you still have time left they do give you the option to go back and review ONLY IN THE SECTION YOU ARE CURRENTLY IN.
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
I was also done in like an hour. You cannot go back and review any questions. I think people make it way harder than it is. There is nothing harder than Algebra I on the math section, if you have taken an English comp class you are good in the English section, the reading is just that, reading, and the science was a little trickier for me because I haven't had chemistry since 1991 and I don't remember any of it. Just read each question thoroughly before answering.
8 Posts
I finished the whole test in an hour and a half and scored 79%. I think when it comes to tests, you either know it or you don't. If you don't know it, move on and go back at the end if you have time.
588 Posts
I had extra time left over after every section. I made sure to go through quickly the first time and make a note of the ones I had issues with or knew it was going to take longer to figure out, then went back to those questions first and then went through the whole section again and again until I didn't have any time left in that section.
I actually ended up changing a lot of answers in doing that and had a pretty good score when done (82%).
3 Posts
I ran out of time during the reading section. My classmate ran out of time during the reading and math. However, there were too many students who finished early. Makes me wonder!
142 Posts
On 5/1/2015 at 11:24 PM, sldFutureRN said:I think they give you like 4 hours and I was done in an hour. Piece of cake.
Wow, you answered nearly 3 questions/minute, including reading long passages and math. This is quite impressive. (is there a sarcasm font?).