Nurses General Nursing
Published Apr 27, 2007
47 Posts
hello, just a quxik question, if someone has a diastolic pressure of 118, what is this indicating, sorry this have never really been discussed. i know diastolic pressure is when the heart relaxes. and i was reading a pharmaceutrical article the other day and it said that beta blockers increase diastolic interval, prompting me to ask this question.
39 Posts
Depends of the age of the patient too. With a young patient rates like that isn`t what we hope for, but with old it can be normal as, your guestion needs bit more adjustment..Sorry my english, its not my mother language
1,842 Posts
diastolic blood pressure is the residual pressure of the arterial system during ventricular relaxation.
cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance are the two main factors influencing BP
stage 2 hypertension is when systolic BP is > or equal to 160 or when
diastolic is > or equal to 100
Mommy TeleRN, RN
649 Posts
I am still trying to understand it myself... but as gingersue said it has to do with the pressure in the arterial system and some training info I was reading the other day correlated the diastolic bp with afterload. I had a pt with a high diastolic last week in clinical and they weren't really sure what her dx was (she had ongoing problems and was only in her 30s) but they thought it was a kidney problem which makes sense.
gt4everpn, BSN, RN
724 Posts
Well, if someone's diastolic(resting) is 118 that indicates HTN, When they say that a drug increases diastolic interval they probably mean that the time between diastoles are increased which means the heart will beat slower, which the b-blockers are for!