diary of nurse in New Orleans


I dont' know if anyone has posted this

but it is a very interesting journal of a nurse stranded at Methodist Hospital

in new Orleans


click "next" at the top to read all her entries. It's scary and sad how things went downhill so fast.

It really shows the best and worst of people.

I hope to never have to go through something like this

Specializes in Labor and delivery, same day surgery.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. You know the funny thing is, I always thought in an emergency hospitals would be given early consideration. I sure was wrong!

OMG. that story is incredible.

some days I am really proud to be a nurse!

Specializes in LTC.

An amazing story from a hero.

It brought tears to my eyes.

She truely is an amazing nurse! I think it is wonderful that she has shared her diary with all of us to read. I admire every one of the doctors and nurses that ended up stranded at the hospitals.

I dont' know if anyone has posted this

but it is a very interesting journal of a nurse stranded at Methodist Hospital

in new Orleans


click "next" at the top to read all her entries. It's scary and sad how things went downhill so fast.

It really shows the best and worst of people.

I hope to never have to go through something like this

Very interesting. But, could not get past a certain point, I think Sept 11. Did she post more days after that? Do you have another web link???

Said forbidden when I got to that day.

Very interesting. But, could not get past a certain point, I think Sept 11. Did she post more days after that? Do you have another web link???

Said forbidden when I got to that day.

I think you can click on her user name on the left side and it shows you all the updated blogs.

Very interesting. But, could not get past a certain point, I think Sept 11. Did she post more days after that? Do you have another web link???

Said forbidden when I got to that day.

You can actually check out my whole journal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24

Someone told me that my link was posted here. I'm glad people are reading it. I wanted everyone to know what I went through. Here is my original post.

Hi everyone. My name is Liz and I worked at Methodist Hospital in New Orleans East as a RN during the storm. I have documented my days/nights at Methodist in my Live Journal. I did them chronologically. Please feel free to read, comment and share with others. I want to get the word out on just SOME of what we/New Orleans/nurses went through during Katrina.

Part 1: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/298313.html

Part 2: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/298736.html

Part 3: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/298757.html

Part 4: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/299034.html

I am from Southeast, LA as well. The Northshore from New Orleans. All isn't well here, but I have NOTHING to complain about after reading that journal. I am an RN at Lakeview Regional Medical Center in Covington, and if there is ANYTHING I can do to help, please let me know.

My story is a little different, as many. I met my evacuated family, and 4 children, ages 18 mon, 3, and 12 in Houston. We stayed next to the Astrodome where I volunteered......... also a very sad situation.

But the nurses, docs, and ALL other personnel that stayed to take care of others. My hands to you..... I still am crying everyday, and working like a dog.

I have had multiple co workers/family/friends, still without power or water coming over just for meals, a little normalcy, and nice hot, long baths. Sleep, and lots of relaxation.

My main goal, since I now have power and electricity, (as of only 2 days ago)(and I was actually on VACATION, when the storm came....) my home is open, and I am treating everyone to home cooked meals, baby/child care, money, and just whatever needs I can provide...... if I can help anyone, please let me know. LAURA

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
You can actually check out my whole journal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24

Someone told me that my link was posted here. I'm glad people are reading it. I wanted everyone to know what I went through. Here is my original post.

Hi everyone. My name is Liz and I worked at Methodist Hospital in New Orleans East as a RN during the storm. I have documented my days/nights at Methodist in my Live Journal. I did them chronologically. Please feel free to read, comment and share with others. I want to get the word out on just SOME of what we/New Orleans/nurses went through during Katrina.

Part 1: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/298313.html

Part 2: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/298736.html

Part 3: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/298757.html

Part 4: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/299034.html

HEY glad you came over! {{{{{{{{{{{Liz}}}}}}}}}

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
I am from Southeast, LA as well. The Northshore from New Orleans. All isn't well here, but I have NOTHING to complain about after reading that journal. I am an RN at Lakeview Regional Medical Center in Covington, and if there is ANYTHING I can do to help, please let me know.

My story is a little different, as many. I met my evacuated family, and 4 children, ages 18 mon, 3, and 12 in Houston. We stayed next to the Astrodome where I volunteered......... also a very sad situation.

But the nurses, docs, and ALL other personnel that stayed to take care of others. My hands to you..... I still am crying everyday, and working like a dog.

I have had multiple co workers/family/friends, still without power or water coming over just for meals, a little normalcy, and nice hot, long baths. Sleep, and lots of relaxation.

My main goal, since I now have power and electricity, (as of only 2 days ago)(and I was actually on VACATION, when the storm came....) my home is open, and I am treating everyone to home cooked meals, baby/child care, money, and just whatever needs I can provide...... if I can help anyone, please let me know. LAURA

Awesome, a victim and volunteer, WOW - stay well!

You can actually check out my whole journal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24

Someone told me that my link was posted here. I'm glad people are reading it. I wanted everyone to know what I went through. Here is my original post.

Hi everyone. My name is Liz and I worked at Methodist Hospital in New Orleans East as a RN during the storm. I have documented my days/nights at Methodist in my Live Journal. I did them chronologically. Please feel free to read, comment and share with others. I want to get the word out on just SOME of what we/New Orleans/nurses went through during Katrina.

Part 1: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/298313.html

Part 2: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/298736.html

Part 3: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/298757.html

Part 4: http://www.livejournal.com/users/auryn24/299034.html

Hi, did get a chance to finish reading. I am sure that eventually a good book about all of this could emerge from a nurse's eagle eye viewpoint.

I live and work in central NJ-----want to relocate up here???

I still cannot quite understand why the hospitals were not evacuated before the storm. And how were the employees picked who stayed? Those without children, etc.??

Were all of the leadership people there? HNs, Directors, AVPs, etc. who are responsible for 24/7 care??

Although I read a good article from the NY times

Take a look at this--regarding the hospitals/nursing homes in New Orleans

NATIONAL / NATIONAL SPECIAL | September 19, 2005

The Victims: Vulnerable, and Doomed in the Storm


By the scores, people trapped in health care facilities in New Orleans perished, in many cases abandoned by their would-be rescuers.


Best of luck to you in putting your career back together. You are one brave soul.

What else can we do to help you???


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