Published May 29, 2009
23 Posts
I am stressing & wanting to pull out my hair. I was offered a position on an Oncology unit at the largest hospital in the state in which I live & am soooo excited to go work for them. This is the ideal company to work for and have never heard one negative thing. Well, I got a call back and interviewed with Davita dialysis. The pay as a new grad is what some nurses working many many many years. I have heard equally amazing things about this company also and was taken by the benefits this company offered also. Now here is the problem...what if I don't like dialysis? I did my rotation and liked it & that's why I applied. Anyone out there have any ideas, comments, and input on beiing a dialysis nurse? I am scared to turn down this position at the hospital for dialysis and then not like it :-(
RN <><
87 Posts
What I have to say will probably not help, But here it goes......go with your first instinct. Only you can really make that kind of a decision for yourself. If you start working in Dialysis and find that you are getting bored then what's to hold you back from applying for the Oncology position? If somebody told you that you had to pick RIGHT NOW!!!!!! Which one would you pick? By the way congratulations on having 2 positions to choose from. Best of luck to you in the job that you do choose.
Lacie, BSN, RN
1,037 Posts
You may want to check out the Dialysis Specialty forum as there is alot of opinions about Davita. If you are a new grad then my best recommendation would to be get your feet wet elsewhere first in a hospital enviroment. You may be limiting yourself to this particular speciality and it is a "hate it or love it" job. I am in it now after working in Critical care for many many years. After being out of hospital for the last 3 in a chronic clinic trying to return to the hospital setting is difficult even for an experience nurse as I am due to they want someone with that "very recent in hospital experience". I worked for Davita and in less than 6 weeks was stuck as Charge and the only RN in the building. This became an every day situation and I left them after 11 months of beating my head in the wall and best thing I ever did was leave. Others may have a different opinion and/or experience. Personally I hate chronics!!! I dont like feeling as if my license is on the line on a daily basis nor the fact it's assembly line mentality in many many clinics. Davita has great benefits and great training but I find very tunnel vision not looking at the other co-morbities that brought them to dialysis in the first place. Then again this is true of many other companies that provide chronic dialysis. Depends on if you have a wholistic view or not. Ask to shadow a few days and drop in on them during turn over keeping your ears open. You can tell alot just by listening sometimes when they least expect it.
117 Posts
I really agree with Lacie. Also find where the "smoking area" for employees is and sit down (even if you don't smoke) and chat. Find out how the clinic is ran (smooth or chaotic), find out about how they like their job. Like Lacie said you can find out a lot if you listen.
317 Posts
U don't want to know my opinion...My CM is with some great people...but there are a few that just make that place ****...but... can't upset the apple cart cause..we might yelll....?????
380 Posts
I have done chronic dialysis 4 14 years as a tech and have worked 4 davita 4 the last 6 years and I must say it is pretty routine, the same pts everyday, u usually work 3 days a week 12 hour shifts or 4 days a week 10 hours. The pts really become like family because u c them daily. Dialysis can be very demanding as u r dealing with very sick people. I was just accepted into the fall 09 nursing program but I will try my hand at being a dialysis nurse becuz I have been exposed 2 it 4 so long. Hope this helps and good luck with your decision