Published Apr 19, 2012
325 Posts
Just recently I availed the free trial of Kaplan Qbank. However, Im not satisfied of their brief rationale explanations. I like the rational explanation in Prioritization, Delegation by Lacharity and Saunders.
For those who tried the NCSBN Qbank, I would like to ask their honest testimonials if their rationale explanations are better detailed than Kaplan.
Sharmi RN-BSN, BSN
358 Posts
I have tried Kaplan,NCSBN,Hurst,Saunders but i did not like rationales of NCSBN at all.NCLEX 4000 has the best rationales.
But NCSBN do not explain about each rationale(why each option is right or wrong).Let me tell you one thing
i got exact same questions(may be 1-2) in the NCLEX-RN from NCSBN question bank that i practiced.
Lacharity is the best for priotization and delegation questions.Priotization and delegation questions are huge in NCLEX
as i know from my experience(i have appeared NCLEX-RN more than once)
Good luck
hi KC,
Im now hesistant to choose NCSBN Qbank, should I spend 299 dollars for Kaplan Qbank? what can you suggest.
i am so tight with my budget and already spent so much money on hurst,kaplan, this time i am using all the free stuff that i got from allnurses friend.but it's your i have not passed nclex-rn yet so cannot exactly say what worked for me.but definitely nclex 4000 has boost my confidence level as well as feuer audio review.i made note on all the rationales that i thought were important for the exam from nclex 4000 and from the audio review of feuer.i have used so many reviews have not found any review in detailed like feuer audio review.i am appearing on the test soon so i am reviewing all the notes that i made from feuer and nclex 4000.
this is the great review that is going all around on allnurses website.print it and study this everyday.
if u need more information then feel free to pm me.good luck on choosing what suits you the most
Tashy Mary Kay
98 Posts
NCSBN is good for boards. The questions are quite similar. It's worth the 50. They have a good content review for Pharm. KCSHABi is right about the rationales.
purplechicxiii, BSN, RN
429 Posts
I also had used NCSBN, and I would agree that rationales are not as detailed as in Saunders. But I must say they're straightforward. and yes, it's worth the 50, as like Tashy had said.