Denver School of Nursing October 2016 Cohort

U.S.A. Colorado


Hi everyone! Just wanted to see if anyone out there has applied for October 2016 cohort. I'm pretty sure this 6 week wait will be the longest of my life but it's well worth the wait.

Good luck! If I get in I'll do a vacation as well. My employer at Boulder Community Health is already freaking out that I may be going back to school. I haven't told my Doctors yet. I'll wait after the interview. Keep me posted on how it goes. Mines on Friday.

Good luck to both of you! :up:

Thanks! Holy cow I'm nervous! :dead: I will let you all know how it goes though. It's going to be a long morning as my appointment is at 10:30. That gives me just enough time to completely over think things over a cup of coffee....

You'll do great! Good luck to you guys whose interviews are coming up! Mine is not until June 22. I think it may just have been the order in which we responded to the email cause I didn't respond for a few days as I was getting my schedule figured out. Let us know how it goes. I'm interested to see if you will find out of your acceptance right away or not until all the interviews have been done... Cause that would be awful!

Haha I'm sure you'll do great! It's better to just get it done than have to wait months like I do! I'm already working myself up :arghh:

My interview was initially at the end of the month but I requested if I could do it ASAP because I still have pre reqs to focus on that start at the end of the month! I was the first interview for the October cohort . I think he is scheduling them based on who gets back to him first with their dates & times that they are available. Good luck everyone !

I emailed him the same day I got the email from him, but I don't know. Either way, I'm excited that I made it this far! I hope your interview went well!

Interview went great. HESI beginning of June. The lab is absolutely fantastic. Good luck everyone!!

What did you wear? I'm stressing out on what to wear.

I wore business casual. So a nice pair of black dress pants and a button down top. It is raining like crazy here so I had a vest on over the top. No biggie. I wore nice booties under my pants because of the walk up to the lab. Hair back in a bun. Neutral makeup. Hope that helps! :)

Had my interview, went really well and I go back in two weeks to meet with Financial Aid more in-depth. Very exciting and cannot wait for what the future brings. Met some of the students and some of the faculty. The simulation lab was amazing.

Thanks for the updates! So are you guys pretty much in then if you're able to finance and the HESI goes well?

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