delegation and the nursing student

Nurses General Nursing


As a nursing student I am having difficult with delegating to LPNs and CNAs. Do you have any advise or experiences to share?

Specializes in Pediatrics, Nursing Education.

In the end, I was being much too timid when asking. I started being direct when asking them to do something for me. I also started giving my NA's rational, such as... "I need you to go do this for this patient because I need to go and do this."

Don't feel bad asking someone to help you. It's your job to delegate and it is their job to help you if they can. It's part of teamwork.

Specializes in MICU, SICU, PACU, Travel nursing.

in our program, we just had to read a chapter in a delegation book, but were never tested on it in a clinical situation.

as a student i felt extremely uncomfortable even asking for help, much less telling someone what to do.

i don't think its right that your programs grade you on this. i would have been horrified to ask a lpn to do a "bandage change" for me. the hospital i did clinicals at lpn's had the same amount of pt's assigned to them as the rn's and essentially did the same thing. i mean an rn was supposed to "supervise"them but ,get real ,they had their own pt's and most lpns were more experianced than alot of the rn's.

i don't think many rn's delegate to lpn's in the real world of nursing, at least not at my hospital.

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