

A really dumb question but must ask. Can nurses delegate to UCP as in support workers to collect urine samples?

Specializes in Palliative, Onc, Med-Surg, Home Hospice.
A really dumb question but must ask. Can nurses delegate to UCP as in support workers to collect urine samples?

Do you mean a UAP? Can't figure out what UCP stands for. I have delegated urine collections to UAP, unless it was from a catheter. Then I had to do it. That was policy at all three facilities I worked for.

Unregulated care provider in Canada

It is not a dumb question. What UCP's, CNA's, MA's, LVN's, even RN's, etc., can and cannot do changes frequently per Board of Nursing and the facilities policy.

Every job I've had someone who has been doing an exemplary job or task, I come to work one day and am told they can't do it anymore per some policy somewhere!

It is not stupid to ask your charge nurse for clarification. Maybe even ask to see something in writing in your institutions policy so you have something to refer to. It might not exactly list every task, but hopefully gives you some guidelines.

Reminds me of working in a GI lab as a float. I come to work one day and the GI technician says per policy techs are not allowed to "open and close" biopsy forceps. Something about unlicensed people collecting specimens. I had never done the tech job, I had never "opened and closed" the forceps. Sure it's not rocket science, but I was all fumble fingers pulling, coiling, the wire in and out of the scope. Of course this was with a GI doc who is Mr. Unfriendly, he was not amused. I researched it that night on Allnurses, the answer was clear as mud! But the next day the GI techs were back to collecting specimens.

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