Published May 15, 2008
10 Articles; 19,052 Posts
see dc nurse dc nurse - volume 1, number 1 nov 2007
practice or behavioral issues of concernto the board are those issues that canimpact the safety and welfare of patients.issues of clinical incompetence, patientabuse, substance abuse and diversion andperformance of acts outside of one’s legalscope of practice are examples of practiceand behavioral concerns [color=#009aff]nurse staffing agencies new regulations for nurse staffingagencies which operate in the district gointo effect on january 31, 2008. staffingagencies will be required to informthe board of nursing when an agencynurse has been fired from a temporaryassignment for practice issues. [color=#009aff]health care facilities currently, d.c. regulations for hospitalsrequire that administrators inform us whena nurse is dismissed for practiceissues. many administrators are unawareof this requirement and therefore, thisinformation is often not provided to thepublic or the board of nursing. this lack ofinformation and inactivity does not servethe best interest of the citizens of thedistrict of columbia
to the board are those issues that can
impact the safety and welfare of patients.
issues of clinical incompetence, patient
abuse, substance abuse and diversion and
performance of acts outside of one’s legal
scope of practice are examples of practice
and behavioral concerns
[color=#009aff]nurse staffing agencies
new regulations for nurse staffing
agencies which operate in the district go
into effect on january 31, 2008. staffing
agencies will be required to inform
the board of nursing when an agency
nurse has been fired from a temporary
assignment for practice issues.
[color=#009aff]health care facilities
currently, d.c. regulations for hospitals
require that administrators inform us when
a nurse is dismissed for practice
issues. many administrators are unaware
of this requirement and therefore, this
information is often not provided to the
public or the board of nursing. this lack of
information and inactivity does not serve
the best interest of the citizens of the
district of columbia