Daytona State College


Is anyone else applying to the Daytona State Nursing Programs, LPN or RN? I was trying to get an idea of the applicant pool and Teas scores. I haven't taken my Teas yet and my GPA is on the lower end due to some mishaps in my spring semester. I'm nervous I won't make it this semester, but will continue to try!

I figured this was a good place to encourage one another and get support!

Any and all replies are greatly appreciated and even past student are welcome to give some input!!

I have not taken the teas exam either. My gpa also where it should be. I am hoping the fact that I have earned a degree already will help. And if it matters, the fact that I currently work in the healthcare field.

Best of luck to you!

I have heard if you have cna it helps so I'm sure if you have a degree in the health field it will help. When are you taking your Teas?

I am not working in the clinical side of the hospital but rather the administrative side. Not sure if that will help that I want to cross over.

I want to take it on Monday and get it over with. I haven't been studying like I'd like but it needs to get done. How about you?

Lol.....funny sounds like me. I need to be studying as well but I too work full time, go to school and have kids at home, plus we are in the middle of a move that makes it a lil tough to study and do what I need too. I think I'm going to take it Thursday.

I have a 3.35 GPA! (super low, I know, I'm just terrible in math and had a mess up in A&P 1). But I talked to the Nursing office and they said the lowest GPA they accepted last semester was around a 3.0 so lets hope I get in) My TEAS AITS is 79%, I got a 95% in reading and an 80% in math.

I'm super nervous :( I'm a full-time CNA in a hospital but I didn't think they were interested in that certification because on the application it seemed they only cared if you had an LPN or an EMT. I'll ask on a DSC nursing students group I'm in and see what the previous applicants say.

Just an update: I got my acceptance letter today! :)

That's great Margaret I'm so happy for you. I took my Teas and missed it by 4 points. I have not taken an AP class yet so I am going to take that before I retake the Teas. I'm embarrassed and bummed but trying to stay positive and motivated. Congrats and I wish you lots of luck.

Don't be embarrassed. I took the TEAS a total of 3 times before passing it on my third attempt! Just do a lot of practice and you will be absolutely fine. You can do this!

Just got accepted at Daytona State. Congrats to everybody accepted.

Congrats to you all. Just curious did you have all pre reqs completed? Did they judge your complete gpa. Or just the pre reqs? Thanks everyone.

They put applications into 3 categories depending upon TEAS score and GPA.

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