Published Dec 3, 2015
1 Post
We currently have a 5-day ARD scheduled on day 8 and a 14-day ARD scheduled on day 13. So there are only five days in between those two assessments. Is this a problem?
I'm asking because the MDS Coordinator and I, a rehab manager, are running into two AAA days on days 17 and 18 for the 14-day assessment, and now also on days 33 and 34 for the 30-day assessment. And we can't figure out why. So I'm wondering if the first paragraph is the reason.
Anybody have an idea?
Thanks in advance!
1,010 Posts
There is nothing wrong with ARD of the 14-day. The look back period remains the same regardless.
[TD=class: xl63]Assessment[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63]Reference Date[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63]Grace Days[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63]Payment Days[/TD]
[TD=class: xl64, width: 106]5-day[/TD]
[TD=class: xl64, width: 106]Days 1-5[/TD]
[TD=class: xl64, width: 106]6-8[/TD]
[TD=class: xl64, width: 106]1 through 14[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63, width: 106]14-day[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63, width: 106]Days 13-14[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63, width: 106]15-18[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63, width: 106]15 through 30[/TD]
[TD=class: xl64, width: 106]30-day[/TD]
[TD=class: xl64, width: 106]Days 27-29[/TD]
[TD=class: xl64, width: 106]30-33[/TD]
[TD=class: xl64, width: 106]31 through 60[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63, width: 106]60-day[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63, width: 106]Days 57-59[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63, width: 106]60-63[/TD]
[TD=class: xl63, width: 106]61 through 90[/TD]
[TD=class: xl65, width: 106]90-day[/TD]
[TD=class: xl65, width: 106]Days 87-89[/TD]
[TD=class: xl65, width: 106]90-93[/TD]
[TD=class: xl65, width: 106]91 through 100[/TD]
AAA applies when the ARD is out of compliance and payment depends on the number of days the assm't is early or late.
However, your AAA days seemed off. The default payment should have begun on day 15 and day 31 respectively.
Was there an LOA? Should there have been a COT? Also look at the probable scenarios in RAI p2-76 to p2-78
6 Posts
The assessments are within the ARD window. In my experience, AAAs days would show on your UB92 when the billing office of your company have ran the reports and the MDS have not been locked and submitted to the CMS. The 5day MDS should pay Day1- 14, and 14Day pays day 15-30, 30 Day pays 31-60. If you did not have any COT, or EOT, or LOA this should not be a problem and make sure when you do your Tripple check meeting to let the Business Office Manager correct those AAA days to the RUG level of the corresponding MDS.