Davey's Prized Collection

Nurses Humor


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Two nurses enjoying a beer after a shift, chatting, with one of them being a "Schlitz stirrer" who finds pleasure in inflicting pain.

This comic relays absurd dark humor, in that nurses are suppose to be nurturing and not hurtful.

The cartoon is also a statement about some posts here on AN.com.

A request has been made that I compile some cartoons that I believe to be my best.

Now, "best" is subjective. What one would consider a treasure, another may think it trash, right?

Rifling through my Trove of Toons, I decided that the criteria for my best would be ones that entertain me the most, make me think, or something which I believe to be universal. So, I plan to post on the Blue Side my favorite non-nursing cartoons and on the Yellow Side my favorite nursing cartoons.

I also plan to give some background on what inspired the cartoon, for the vast majority of my cartoons are based on actual events.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

A common subject here on AN.com is Nurses eating Their Young" or "Crusty Old Bats eating Snowflakes"or some such thing.

This cartoon is based on the old riddle of "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

This cartoon was done on the spot:

Davey Do said:
"You couldn't get a part in a movie if you had act as though you were sleeping", I told the acting out psychotic patient who was a 1:1.

He bet me he could.

I took the part as the director:

In a few moments, he actually did fall asleep.

This scenario became his bedtime routine.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

I have different colors of scrubs I wear, and while driving to work, I'll drink coffee and maybe slosh a little on myself. Unlike my other scrubs of various colors, I noticed that my brown scrubs do not show coffee stains.

I thought, "Wow- if only I could find scrubs that would not show other types of stains!"


Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Davey you are as funny as Schlitz. Gary Larson be laughing.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Making the animal part of the process in CAT scan humor has been done.

This cartoon puts the piece of hospital equipment in the place of the animal:

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
Davey you are as funny as Schlitz. Gary Larson be laughing.

Thanks, OldDude! Gary Larson is one of my mentors, as well as Charles Schultz, Mike Peters, Berkeley Breathed along with many of the MAD magazine cartoonists of the '70's like Jack Davis, Mort Drucker, and Paul Coker.

There are some recent fellows who are into dark humor, like Max Cannon and Stilton Jarlsberg and the guys from Cyanide & Happiness that also inspire me.

In fact, Max Cannon's cartoon, "Raw Meat" inspired one of my favorite cartoons and threads by the same name:


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

I truly enjoy dark humor and the way it gives a different perspective on serious matters.

I chose the Edgar Cayce quote about finding the funny side of every experience for my signature to remind me that alternative viewpoints can be therapeutic.

As in this favorite cartoon inspired by a TruvyNurse post:

When we had a patient die at the prison we'd say "he bagged and tagged!"


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

I go out to eat with my my wife, sister, and bro-in-law about once a month. It's pretty much the totality of my social life.

On one dinner date occasion, I had hung my coat on the back of my chair. I was animatedly telling a funny story, had everyone laughing when I stood up and knocked over the chair. I was a little embarrassed but continued on with my humorous story.

I thought about the situation afterwards and wondered how I could have improvised humor from the chair falling over.

I came up with this favorite cartoon:

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

I like all those guys; especially MAD and Spy vs Spy. But I think Gary Larson stands head and shoulders above all the rest in pulling subject matter, that can't be imagined by most people, and forming it into comedy that appeals to the far reaches of our minds...hilarious at a completely different level of consciousness. Hence, the Far Side, appropriately named.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Years ago, I saw a magazine called "Men in Nursing" and immediately bought a subscription thinking "Wow!This magazine is something with which I can really identify!"

There was a male nurse whose photograph was in the magazine who was an editor or wrote articles or something and this nurse was the epitome of professionalism.

I did a caricature of him and made some comics that would have been this "epitome of professionalism's" alter ego. I named the cartoon character "Mel".

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

I say "AMEN!" to your entire post, OldDude.

I copied this portion because it brought up a memory of a favorite maternal aunt, long time gone:

OldDude said:
I think Gary Larson stands head and shoulders above all the rest in pulling subject matter

For several years, I raised chickens for their eggs and my aunt mailed me a copy of this cartoon:

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