Davenport Nursing Letters


Hi Everyone,

I was curious if anyone has recieved their acceptance, or denial letters from Davenport University.. The wait is taking so long, and now going on three weeks is way to long.. I am crossing my fingers that I get in :)

Take Care, Persephone

lilflygirl111 and persephone162: how are you ladies doing? any word today? I think maybe by the end of the week or the start of next week :yawn: we should have heard something.

:mad:No Letter Today!! Arrgghhh.... So frustrating!!!

Hey Everyone,

I have not been on here this week, so Hi. This wait has been very frustrating :uhoh3:, as well I am soo nervous. I hope everyone makes it in the Nursing class.

I spoke with my advisor today, and the final selections have been made. Thus the letters she told me, were sent out on Friday.

I was reading everyone elses statements as well and it is amazing there are so

many Baker College transfer students. While I have enjoyed the classes I took at Baker I felt that they

were very misleading with their nursing application process information. However when transfering to Davenport University I have enjoyed the classes I am taking, as well I feel that they have been totally honest about the whole nursing application process.

So now that letters have been sent out, I will be on the stakeout at the mailbox :). Hopefully I make it in, as then I can take the necessary Chemistry, and Math class I am already registered for this summer semester!

Good Luck Everyone! Let us know if you make it in!


Hi everyone! I recieved my letter on Saturday May 1. This was my second time applying to DU, I transfered from Lansing Community College. I applied last year and did not get in, this year I did!!!!:):D:crying2:

I will say from my experience I really have enjoyed all of my classes at DU and the teachers. I decided to work on a BA becasue who knows when you will get in at any school. Nothing really changed from me applying year one to applying this year. My GPA was a 3.87, I had an 80 on the HESI, my essay was I felt good and I had two healthcare recomendations. Like I said nothing changed from last year to this year, except I have now been a DU student 2 years and will Graduate after my summer classes with a BA in Medical Case Managment.

I can say that I think it really helps if you are a student at DU and are taking classes. I don't know that there is a rhyme or reason. I feel that my advisors have always been very honest with me and never made me believe that I was a shoe in. We would talk about the criteria and they would say I don't know how they will be evaluating applicants this year, but you have high markings.

Other colleges: I feel that I have searched HIGH and low to find nursing colleges. It is sooooo frustrating just to get in. I was not impressed with Baker. I sent my transcripts and they didn't want to really except anything and I had this too good to be true feeling with them I felt that I was not only being told what I wanted to hear but also felt she was trying to sell me on Baker. Wayne County Community I hear just opened some new programs and more seats. IF you have a BA look into accelerated programs, becasue you will more than likely have the pre reqs for them if you applied to DU. Schoolcraft was an option but they also didn't want to accept a lot of my science's. Wayne Stat University I felt was very demanding and I had no chance because I was not a student with them. Like I said I think searching for nursing schools is a fulltime job in and of itself.

Good luck to everyone. I will be starting in Warren and would love to meet others.


Congratulations Songerl.... I agree with you regarding Baker, i would NEVER recooment that college.. they really mislead you!! What Campus will you be attending this Fall?? I'm at the Warren Campus!! If that is where you will be attending I look forward to meeting you... Enjoy this amazing feeling right now!!


Hey everyone. Just letting you know, I did receive my acceptance letter today for the BSN program for Fall 2010 at the Warren Campus. I am so happy. Some info..just to let all know. I had a GPA of 3.7, I scored a 88 on the TEAS, my essay was good. and I had two recommendations from doctors that I work for. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!:yeah:

congratulations randie, lilflygirl, promisemeone, aneotos, songerl, and samantha

:yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :nurse: :nurse: :nurse: :nurse: :nurse: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

you all totally deserve it!

now i will be attending the warren campus as i was accepted as well! how about you all?

ohh i am soo excited and cannot wait to start the program! as well i look forward to meeting everyone in orientation. we will be having an adventurous couple years!

take care, persephone162


So happy for you PERSEPHONE!!! I was wondering if you received an acceptance letter!! Look for to meeting you at Orientation June 23rd, :w00t:!! Very excited..



Hey Lilflygirl,

I am soo excited for both of us! It should be awesome!

Thank you for the congratulations :):):nurse::nurse::):)!!

This is going to be an Awesome couple years!

Take Care, Persephone

Hey everyone. Just letting you know, I did receive my acceptance letter today for the BSN program for Fall 2010 at the Warren Campus. I am so happy. Some info..just to let all know. I had a GPA of 3.7, I scored a 88 on the TEAS, my essay was good. and I had two recommendations from doctors that I work for. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!:yeah:

:balloons::balloons::balloons::balloons::balloons::balloons::balloons: CONGRATS, SEE YOU AT ORIENTATION!!!!

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

I'll be the old guy.

Hi Everyone: Can anyone explain to me this track one and track two concept? I don't get it :rolleyes:

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