Published Sep 15, 2009
2 Posts
I went to speak to an admissions counselor at the local CC today about going back to school for nursing, and my GPA wasn't as good as I thought it was. The only pre req's I completed were the english 101/102 and speech (i need to retake speech as I got a D in it...I was late to class and missed my time slot to give my final speech and the professor wouldn't allow me to do it on another day or after the last person... ah, I remember that day well lol)
well I'm looking to do a lot of studying to get ready for the math placement test. Let's hope I've retained at least some of the knowledge I *thought* I had lol.
181 Posts
That's disappointing but if you work hard and get A's in your classes that you start now, you'll bring it up soon enough. I started out with a 1.5-ish GPA, due to not withdrawing properly 10 or so years ago. Now I'm up to around a 3.2/3.3. By the time I'm done with pre-req's I'll be closer to a 4.0 (God willing!)
506 Posts
I'm close to where you are - my cumulative GPA was a 2.24 after two years of willy-nilly college when I was in Running Start at my high school. Right now, after four quarters (my first was a 1.84), my cumulative GPA is 2.94. And I'm /just/ starting my pre-reqs.
Work your butt off - you can do it!
Coriander, BSN, RN
763 Posts
When I first started community college 2 1/2 years ago, my previous GPA was a really horrible 1.32 from a disastrous three semesters when I was 17/18 years old.
I busted my buns and now have a bit over a 3.0 cumulative. You can do it!!!