Published Aug 13, 2008
6 Posts
Hello fellow nurses and aspiring nurses!
This is my first post but I admittedly have been a long-time lurker of I truly love this site and the energy here.
In summary, I recently graduated nursing school and am now an RN.
I have been offered a residency/internship at different ICU's at Parkland and Baylor Dallas. I know they are both great hospitals.
I would really love to hear from experienced nurses about their thoughts on which one to choose. I am having a very hard time here. Both programs start within a couple of weeks of each other, and Parkland pays more, but Baylor has a slight edge when it comes to being a better place to work from what I hear. I've read a few of the threads here about Dallas hospitals and people always seem to be saying "choose Baylor." That's not to take anything away from Parkland because I've heard nothing but good things about it as well.
I am grateful to be in this position but would love any information from you that may help me make a decision. Loving my job and where I work is my top priority. Thanks everybody!
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
Hello TK80
So glad you decided to join us.
Congratulations on graduation and the best of luck in your new career.
Hopefully someone will post information that will help you in your decision.
Thank you, tnbutterfly! I am very happy to be here. :)
10 Posts
They are both great systems with pros and cons. Weigh both your options. what are you looking to get out of the program?? I did not work at Parkland but i went thru the internship for icu when i worked at Zale Lipshy. It was a great experience and very intensive. These two options are great but in my experience over the years the best mentoring program was Medical City.J.
Thanks for your reply! Unfortunately, Medical City internships are all filled up (and Zale Lipshy as well), so these two hospitals are my choices. I know both internships would be great and have great reps, but I guess I was looking for more long-term employee satisfaction at these hospitals i.e. where nurses are happier to be. I'm having a hard time making the decision as all of it seems so similar and they are even equally as far away from me when it comes to commuting.
Thanks again for the information!
I have heard from friends that once parkland gets in your system that is all it takes. On the other hand it's the baylor way or the highway. What i guess i am trying to say is Baylor is very conformist, parkland you have more autonomy. Being Magnet at MedCity is something as a long-term nurse is very self empowering. Zale unfortunately has fallen into the mismanagement of upper powers that be!!
162 Posts
Well, I might sound a bit jaded....but it's because I am! I graduated from nursing school in '04 and have to admit that my entire time in school, my absolute intention was to work at big Baylor in the questions asked! As I readied to graduate, I interviewed at all the big hospitals, the only hospital that I felt totally welcomed into during the interview process was Parkland. So when it came down to making a final decision, and there was literally 2 cents an hour difference...I chose Parkland! And I absolutely believe, this is where I am supposed to be! The Parkland family is special. The vast majority of nurses who work at Parkland are not there because this is the only job they could find, they are there because Parkland is in their blood....there are learning opportunities every single day! I have had multiple opportunities (most of them financially impressive) to leave here, and have turned them all down....I live to learn and teach and care for those who feel uncared for in life. I work at Parkland and I'm thrilled to be here....come on over...we'd love to have you!
Well, I might sound a bit jaded....but it's because I am! I graduated from nursing school in '04 and have to admit that my entire time in school, my absolute intention was to work at big Baylor in the questions asked! As I readied to graduate, I interviewed at all the big hospitals, the only hospital that I felt totally welcomed into during the interview process was Parkland. So when it came down to making a final decision, and there was literally 2 cents an hour difference...I chose Parkland! And I absolutely believe, this is where I am supposed to be! The Parkland family is special. The vast majority of nurses who work at Parkland are not there because this is the only job they could find, they are there because Parkland is in their blood....there are learning opportunities every single day! I have had multiple opportunities (most of them financially impressive) to leave here, and have turned them all down....I live to learn and teach and care for those who feel uncared for in life. I work at Parkland and I'm thrilled to be here....come on over...we'd love to have you!Jamie
Wow... thank you so much. That's exactly the kind of experience I was looking for. It's so nice to hear how happy you are at Parkland. I still have not made a decision and am not sure which way to lean, but I have the utmost respect for both of these hospitals and know I will most likely be happy at either one. It's really great to hear from a Parkland nurse who has been there for several years though. Thanks a ton for your input and enthusiasm. It's very appreciated!
Hello all! I just wanted to let you know that for various reasons I have accepted a position at Baylor University Medical Center at Dalls. It was a hard decision to make. I wanted to say thank you again to those who helped me out and responded to this thread! :)
145 Posts
When I moved to Dallas in 2005, I already had several years of ICU experience under my belt and didnt go through any internship or residency per-se, but nevertheless I went through a huge learning curve that challenged me in great new ways.
I was blown away by the staff's passion for excellency and learning, and their amazing sense of "family"...heck there were many times we would all get together, both day and night shift, on time off and just hang out with each other.
I saw and experienced things wonderful and awful and exciting at the bedside.
My managment consistently demonstrated an "open-door" policy, encouraged new ideas, and stood behind their nurses.
Staffing for the intensive care units is one of the safest, if not the safest, in downtown Dallas.
I eventually went on to persue a full time position elsewhere in a different type of ICU...but several months later, I was feeling home-sick and came right back on a part time basis. And I will never completely leave again.
What they say is true...when it gets in your blood, it stays there.
I came back to Parkland, just like everyone said I would :)
11 Posts
I have wanted to work at Parkland since I began nursing school. I plan to apply for the June 2009 internship for labor and delivery. Can anyone give me any advice about the atmosphere in labor and delivery at Parkland, how long it takes to be offered a position or how difficult it is to be accepted into the internship? I have always wanted to work for a hospital with a busy and diverse labor and delivery unit. Any comments from current employees or those who have gone through the internship would be greatly appreciated.