Daily workout check in


:dancgrp:This thread is for nurses interesting in a daily check in to

record your workout and get support and motivation

Thought I would start the thread--

Today Gilad Express workout vol 1

Bar Method beginner dvd

and after 1pm shoveling lots and lots of snow!

As predicted, lots of snow to shovel. We had over 17 inches of snow

in our area.

For fitness I did 30 min of a classical Stretch dvd after all the work

shoveling, thought that would be perfect..

I'll step in and account for myself...went on a walk for a half hour. Man, I'm soooo out of shape. xD

Great to see you Nohika! Glad you have started walking. Keep posting

here for support and to keep track of your progress.

I did 45 minutes of a dance dvd today. No walking as the snow

is still very high here.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).


Good idea, jahra! Although this thread has not taken off with all sorts of posts on an everyday basis, I would like to chime in now and again.

Working out is truly one of my Drugs of Choice. It is sorta like an Addiction to me, in that I try to do it everyday. I have a little Home Gym and an Eliptical in my basement. I also have a Bicycle Sop down there. I store 11 bicycles. Three belong to Belinda and two are Tandems. In good weather I bicycle everyday that I can. In poor weather, I bicycle at least once a week on the Mountain Bike.

Since I live in a rural region and own a couple of acres, I also cut down trees and split wood, both for my fireplace and exercise. There are many other outside types of manual labor I do for both function and fun.

This past day, I did about a half an hour lifting weights, over 40 minutes on the Eliptical, and shovelled about 50 yards of snow from my driveway.

My body feels it, but I like this feeling much more than I would had I not done any exercise.

Thanks again and I will catch you later.


Great to see you here Dave! Thanks for the post! Drop in from time

to time and give us an update. I have been staying on an every other

day schedule, but have not posted here in a while.

Hope a few more nurses join us. I find it keeps me motivated to

check in and also see what other fitness plans nurses are doing.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Checking in!

It's really great having an area to work out in at home. No having to stop by, or drive to, a gym, etc.

Since I'm not one to exceed excessive energy needlessly, I've merely done a basic workout the past couple of days. That is, about a half an hour of weights followed by 20 mins of aerobic. Not much, but it keeps me going.

"The hardest thing to get is going" and "S/He who has begun has the job half done" come to mind before most workouts. I figure if I just make the attempt, the rest is easy. And it is, since I really enjoy exercising once I get into it.

How's everybody else doing?


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
How's everybody else doing?

Well, it's been nearly a month since I last checked in and I've gone astray of my Health Regimen. I waited and waited for my "support and motivation" and got none...

So, I stopped working out and went back to my old ways of lying around on my couch, watching soap operas and eating deep-fried pork fat and drinking industrial-sized bottles of maple syrup. I have become a giant, greasy, sticky lump of sedated has-been. And I blame you. And you. And you over there, trying to hide behind your computer screen! I know you're there!

If only you could have given me a little support, I may have been able to continue a Healthy Lifestyle.

But NOOOOOO! You had to check out other threads where people are doing more interesting (and sometimes disgusting) things! You couldn't stop by this thread and check in! And because of your actions, I am what you wouldn't want to see before you...

Okay. Now that I've got that out, I can go on, to rise above "this place of wrath and tears, (where) looms but the horror of the shade" and better myself! I don't need you! I don't need your support! I don't need anybody! Or anything! (Except my Home Gym. And my Eliptical. And that's all I need.) I can do this on my own! And, bigod, I'm going to do it!

Just wait. You just wait! I'm gonna pick myself up, shake the dust off my sandals (and clean off the grease and syrup on my bulbous belly), and really do something!

Whew! That took all the breath out of me. I gotta go take a nap. But when I get up, watch out!


Disclaimer: This comment is intended for entertainment purposes only. Any resembulance to anyone in-shape or out of shape is purely coincidental. In reality, the author holds no one else responsible for his actions other than himself. So there.

The guilt trips, the guilt trips......

If only someone had given me support and motivation----------

as defined by

us grabbing that Hostess Twinkie and Devil Dog out of your hands while you were lying on the couch

then, ambulating :nurse: you to the

treadmill and elliptical machine.....................

Where are those nurse motivational consultants when you need them...:jester:

Glad to see you are back on track with your exercise program!

Getting up and working out is a great start.

Here's our guilt trip-please record your workout here...

If it is not written, it is not done :clown:

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Thank you for the reply, jahra. It was an Oasis in a vast Desert of Communication.

ACTUALLY, I have been keeping up pretty much on my work-out routine. I recently had my Dead of Winter vacation in sunny Florida for about a week, and went bicycling and swimming every day.

However, reality is not always as entertaining as a conjuered situation, so I came up with the previous post.

Things are actually fine, thank you.


ACTUALLY, I have been keeping up pretty much on my work-out routine. I recently had my Dead of Winter vacation in sunny Florida for about a week, and went bicycling and swimming every day.


The old, "I was in Florida for about a week bicycling and swimming every day" workout approach .

Now, is the moment of truth. Will you post your workouts now that you are back from vacation?

Good for you for keeping up your fitness plan during vacation, better than many of us would have done for sure.

Keep up the good work!

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
Now, is the moment of truth. Will you post your workouts now that you are back from vacation?

Well, jahra, I could. However, wouldn't that be kind of, oh I don't know, kind of, B-O-R-I-N-G?

I do SOMETHING physical every day. So, I'll chime in now and again. As long as you do the same.



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