CVL/ART Minimal Infusion Rates for PICU


We are reviewing our practice of infusion rates in our PICU. I am having difficulty finding EBP guidelines or any research on infusion rates for CVL and ART lines for pediatric patients. Currently we run both at 2-3mL/hr, depending on patient size. Looking for other PICU CVL/ART infusion rates and any research behind their decision for the rate.


Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

Our unit is considered primarily cardiac so the majority of our patients are fluid restricted (whether they need to be or not). On kids under 10 kg we run our CVP/LAP/RAP lines with heparinized dextrose (1:1) at 1 mL per hour and our art lines with heparinized saline (2:1) at 1.5 mL per hour on volumetric pumps. No science behind it. It's "just what we do here".

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

We run 1:1 NS and heparin @ 1.5 mL / hour in little ones, 3 mL/ hour in bigger kids.

I'm interested in finding out if there IS any evidence out there! Great topic.

We run 1.5 to 2ml Of heparin/saline.

Have never seen any evidence on it.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Sounds like a great research study for someone to undertake!

Specializes in Pediatric CICU.

For an ART we run NSS w/ Hep @ 2-3ml/hr

CVL/RA we run D5W @ 1

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