Published May 29, 2011
11 Posts
i just need one more class till i can get on the wait list through maricopa community college programs. i'm currently attending GCC. i've been at gcc for 4 years because i was unsure what i wanted to do, and i didn't want to stop going, and also i got to stay on my parents insurance. i do have a low gpa, at about 2.5 because of some BSing at the beginning of school. anyways all i need is fundamentals of chemistry....i've taken bio 156, and 201...and from what i understand 202 and 205 can be taken while you're waiting. i've just been going off the check sheet and taking classes accordingly. does GPA have anything to do with getting accepted? is there anything i can to speed up the 2+ year wait list? i'm currently working as a pharmacy tech at a non-retail pharmacy and someone told me i could get my employer (the owner) to move me up on the list.
i pretty much have everything needed except chemistry130...and then the bio 202 and after this semester of chemistry i plan to sign up for the wait list to for AAS for RN
any tips/suggestions?
ro2878, ADN, BSN
183 Posts
I'm starting Block 4 at SCC in August and I waited 1.5 yrs for acceptance. At that time, grades did not matter - you just got in the system and waited. From what I am now hearing the wait is a minimum of 2 yrs. and I do not know whether grades are being factored into student selection.
I've never heard of anyone saying that their employer was able to speed up their acceptance. When I applied, certain spots were held open for Scottsdale Healthcare employees and those people were accepted one semester sooner. They also went into the accelerated program vs. the traditional program (which is the program with summers off). FYI - anybody can list the accelerated program as one of their choices when you apply. I wouldn't recommend it because there is a higher failure rate among the accelerated program and those students are often the "repeaters" we see in our traditional block.
Unfortunately, I think you are just going to have to play the "waiting game." That may not be such a bad thing to do right now because it is really tough for new grads to get a job. I can only suggest getting your application in asap and getting all of your coreqs out of the way. You can, of course, take a coreq during your nursing Block but I would not recommend that. Students that did that did not typically do well - best to take your coreqs during the summers after you start the program or get them out of the way prior to acceptance during your wait.
Hope some of this helps! Best of luck!
285 Posts
If you check under "region" there's an area for Arizona schools, and TONS of threads on the MCC system. It sounds like grades may be taken into consideration, but honestly I haven't read many of those threads as I am a Tucson area student.
Good luck!
63 Posts
I would think GPA does matter.. especially science and math classes. Good luck.