Current VA RN moving to another State

Specialties Government


Current VA nurse. If I move and accept a position in another VA do they re-board me or do I keep current grade and step?  

Specializes in Adult Critical Care.

Based on what they told my wife when she was looking at doing this, it depends on whether you've held your current position for 2 years.  If >2 years, you keep your current grade and step.  If not, you may get reboarded if a certain amount of gap time has occured.

Specializes in Med/surg nurse, 9 years experience, 5 as travel.

From what I've read you keep everything the same and continue your pay and grade, also if you still need the 5 years to get vested there can't be ANY work gap. So you have to coordinate with new location on start dates. 

I've transferred from seattle VA to another VA in the south, once you get the new job final offer HR starts the transfer process so there is no gaps. you keep your grade and step, BUT your pay will change. 


I went from a high COL to cheap COL and the pay for the new area was lower

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