CU UCAN Spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello! I applied for the 2017 UCAN program and am waiting to hear back about an interview. I'm hoping to meet others that have applied for this program.

I just tried posting this, but an error page came up. Sorry if it shows up on here twice!

The Facebook group is UCAN Program 2017. It's a closed group. Anyone can find it, but only the members can see what we post.

I had to add a member before it would let me create the group, so ignore that my husband is listed as one of the members. He already has his BSN though, so he could be really helpful to us all if we get in! Fingers crossed.

Could you please add me to the group. My name on there is Renee Montamat... I think theres only one of me ha not sure

Hi Renee! We have to be friends on Facebook before I can add you to the group. I tried adding you, but there isn't a "request" button on your page. Could you maybe check your privacy status in your settings, or add me as a friend? Let me know! Thanks.

Hey Kate! I tried looking up the group but wasn't having any luck - is it on private mode by any chance?

Hey Kate! I tried looking up the group but wasn't having any luck. But I just found your page! I'm going to request you! My name is Nina Kennedy - any way you could add me as well?

Thanks soo much :)

Hey everyone! Just joined the group. Excited to have received the interview confirmation email. I tried to find the facebook group to no avail. Maybe try taking it off closed? Anyway, I just requested (Katesietsema) to be your friend so if you can add me to the group when you get a chance, that would be great! Thank you!

I was having a hard time too. I simply searched UCAN and then scrolled down a little and finally found it!

Yeah, I ended up typing in UCAN in the search box then clicking on the Group Tab near the top of the page and scrolled down about 10 entries. Hope this helps anyone else looking for it.

Hello again,

Found the group and joined :) look forward to meeting you all soon! See you on FB :)

My name is Jessica by the way!

Hi Everyone,

I too am in, what I assume to be, the early group of interviews! I have requested to join the Facebook group that was created. Thanks all for creating this thread, and the Facebook page!


Hi, my name is Brian, I received my email yesterday for what I assume is the morning round of interviews.

I am currently a Lead Emergency Room Tech in Seattle, WA. I have about 2 years of experience working as an EMT and ER Tech and before that I spent 5 years post college as a Sergeant in the US Army Infantry. I have a B.S. in Psychology from CSU and I'm very excited about the potential of moving back to Colorado in order to become a RN!

Looking forward to meeting everyone and hopefully getting into the cohort!

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