Published May 18, 2011
18 Posts
Hi! I am currrently applying to CU Denver for the Traditional BSN 2012 start date. I have been accepted to 2 out-of-state schools but REALLY need to go in-state for personal reasons and I am currently on the wait-list for Regis Fall 2011. As a back-up in case I don't get into Regis, I am applying to CU Denver. I was wondering if anyone could help me with the essay!? I have read that CU weighs the essay very heavily along with your grades, and while I feel very strong with grades, I really need to nail the essay! One of the sections is referring to the nurse role today and I am just wondering if they want specific duties of a nurse or if they are looking more for the qualities and characteristics of nurses today? So, if anyone has been through their application process or is affiliated with the program, I would GREATLY appreciate your input! Thank you very much!
Please!!! Any and all help is welcome!
28 Posts
Hi Linsaylat,
I too am applying for CU's 2012 start date. I am struggling with the essay also, my problem is the length. I, for the life of me can not figure out how to condense my essay into the one page that they are asking. My answer to the first question alone was one full paged single spaced:eek: Anyway, what I did in answering question #2 concerning nurses roles is include both some of the specific duties that a nurse performs as well as some important characteristics that they display as well. I think doing it in this way will show the reader that we have a good idea if not the full grasp of what a nurse really is-If that makes any sense. I am sorry I could not give you advise as if I was a student at CU-Denver and I will try to see if there are any threads that may further help you.
I wish you the best!
9 Posts
Try changing the margins. I'm working on the essays right now too. What a pain! How can I describe myself, answer the questions, grab their attention all in one page? Arg! Good luck (though you are my competition!).
Hey there competition! lol Thank you for your suggestion on the margins, it helped! At first I was a bit hesistant to change them, but no where on the website did they indicate a margin range right?! And man tell me about it, they ask questions that I feel need a in depth answer not a quick paragraph. I am trying to make every word count and have meaning, but right now after I edited my original essay by taking out certain details, I feel that I am just strictly getting to the point for a one page limit sake-it does not represent who I am-not yet at least!
Thanks again & I hope you do well!
SummitRN, BSN, RN
2 Articles; 1,567 Posts
I spent a few hours writing and then days hours resizing margins, revising, editing, cutting, wordsmithing, etc. Let me save you a little time. Unless they've completely changed it, even though you can upload your essay in a document, you don't get to pick the font size or margins. You can paste, or you can upload, but the app will pull the text out of the .docx and insert it in the app in their own style. You have to choose print preview, or print out app for review, or whatever, in order to see how much space you really have taken up. The good news is you probably have 30-50% more space than you thought.
PS I'm not your competition.
2 Articles; 724 Posts
don't list all the experience you have, just the ones you had for at least a year, related to nursing. They want to see your long term goal mentioned somewhere too, i.e. NP, work/volunteer abroad, etc. Good references help too. GL!
13 Posts
I was just accepted into the program for this summer. So, in my essay I wrote a lot about nursing characteristics. Such as a mentor, friend, etc. I didn't really say like a nurse does this and this. Good luck!
Thank you for your response! I really appreciate hearing that I am not the only one struggling with the questions and size limitations! Good luck with the applicationa dn who knows, maybe we'll be classmates!
Congratulations on your acceptance! Thank you for the advice as well! I am hoping that since Summer applicants are finding out now about their acceptance that some Regis seats will open up! I know if I had the option, I would pick CU over Regis mainly for financial reasons. Good luck with your program and congrats again!
Haha, just realized that I am making general response posts when I thought I was responding to the individuals who wrote me...sorry! One message was to "Lindsey14" and the other to "Mr.Dre22"
To everyone else that responded to me...THANK YOU! I greatly appreciate all of the advice! Maybe once my essay is as perfect as I think it can be I'll go into the application and see how much more room I have. Actaully, speaking of that...if I am right at the end of the page with a (.) will that give me a few more lines to work with on the application setup? Thanks again everyone!
No problem! I am so glad that you are nearly done with your essay! I am too-well somewhat. I went over the page limit by 5 lines! I am trying desperately to see where I can cut out somethings but since I already cut out A LOT of my details my mind is telling me that I cant afford to do anymore. So maybe I will just have to re-word them or something??
So I have a question for you now, how did you format your essay? Did you include a heading? I started typing from the first line downward and boy does it look cluttered! The website does not specify how to format it other than labeling the answers "A" "B" and "C" and typing it single spaced so I'm clueless??