CT-CCNP 2015 applicants

U.S.A. Connecticut



I've seen similar threads for previous years applicants. It would be fun to get to know some of the other applicants and be able I share info and cheer each other on. I'll start,

i applied to NVCC and chose capital as my second choice school. I got an 84.7% on my TEAS V, an A in A&P1, and my nursing gpa is a 3.7(ish) I believe.

I am taking A&P2 this spring, and have to jam micro into the summer.. But I'm super excited!

hopefully we receive our emails online soon!

Hey guys, just thought i'd share. Based on emails between me and my student advisor, acceptance notifications will be sent out sometime next week! I'm so anxious over whether or not I got accepted! I could just scream! Waiting is the worst part! As a reminder though, NO ACCEPTANCE LETTERS WILL BE MAILED, all notifications of acceptance will be sent through student emails. Good luck and godspeed to us all!

hey everyone !!

i am new to this thread but figured id share my little story since i always find it encouraging to read about people going through the same situation. i applied to NCCC in winsted for the january 2016 start date. its about an hour commute from where i live, but the way my schedule has worked out id finish an entire year earlier than i initially anticipated due to their accelerated layout. for me that benefit alone outweighs any con i can think of, lol.


i have all As in my admission requirements and im currently enrolled in AP2 with a midterm grade so far of an A

i received an 82% on my TEAS V

no clue how to calculate this weird nursing GPA so i wont bother - hoping the As speak for themselves, haha

it seems like the agony of waiting to hear any news has only gotten bad the last few days, im so anxiouss !! hopefully we will all hear something soon !!

i just was able to check application of status of received things on banner self service and when I just checked again, it was removed, so hopefully we find out soon about getting in!!!!!

I just noticed that they removed the link as well. Got to be a good sign right? 😊 Maybe we will hear before the end of the week!

Hmmm, should I stay up until 12:01 tonight just to see if it comes up first thing?:yes:

Yes it is a good sign, if I remember correctly every other year has been soon after they take the status of received items, like a couple/few days.

@ked880. Thanks for sharing! Great score on your TEAS V btw. The nursing GPA is calculated by the admission requirement courses along with any nursing program sciences & non-nursing courses taken that are a part of the program. Micro, A&P 2, psy, soc, eng 102, elective, lifespan, etc.... hope that helps. There are gpa calculators online. Just plug in your grade for any of those courses, and add your predicted A&P 2 grade and you'll have your Nursing GPA. Actually I think you might not need to count your A&P 2 right now because your grade post in that class falls after the deadline of FEB 1st. Good luck!

Another way to find out is to go to "search courses" and look up *nursing 101*. It shows the class cap, along with number of students that have registered so far and number of seats remaining. Capital has 162 seats available for nursing 101 for fall 2015. So far, everyday when I've checked, the available openings is still at 162. If you check that and you see the reg numbers changed from zero, that means Ppl have started registering for nursing 101 in the fall. I guess if you see the numbers adding up, and you have no acceptance email, it means you didn't make it this cycle, and in about a weeks time you'll get a not-eligible or wait listed letter. I know this because I got wait listed for the 2013-2014 cycle....

Another way to find out is to go to "search courses" and look up *nursing 101*. It shows the class cap, along with number of students that have registered so far and number of seats remaining. Capital has 162 seats available for nursing 101 for fall 2015. So far, everyday when I've checked, the available openings is still at 162. If you check that and you see the reg numbers changed from zero, that means Ppl have started registering for nursing 101 in the fall. I guess if you see the numbers adding up, and you have no acceptance email, it means you didn't make it this cycle, and in about a weeks time you'll get a not-eligible or wait listed letter. I know this because I got wait listed for the 2013-2014 cycle....

maybe we will hear by the end of today!!!!!

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