CSUSB Fall 2018 Nursing program

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone!

I know it may be early, but I wanted to start a thread for the CSUSB Fall 2018 nursing program. I'm sure we will have questions about application deadlines, letters of recommendation, points, TEAS, etc. Eventually we can share stats

This is the point system I saw in another CSUSB thread. Best of luck!

P.s I called today and these are the stats for fall 2017

Average GPA: 8.4

Average teas test: 83%

GPA - 30 points possible

3.00 - 3.05 = 11 points

3.06 - 3.10 = 12 points


Increase by 1 point every 0.05 until you reach the maximum (3.96 - 4.00 = 30 pts.)

TEAS test Version V - 15 points possible

70.0 - 71.9 =1 point

72.0 - 75.6 = 2 points


(Maximum points possible 98.0 -100 = 15 points)

Group Pre-Advising (Informational Session) - 1 point possible

Bilingual Proficiency - 1 point possible

Letters of Recommendation - 2 points possible

1. Character

2. Academic

County of Residence - 5 points possible


I went to ATI's website and registered through there

How did you boost your TEAS score when you re applied? This test is driving me up a wall lol

When you take the exam you can see your weak points which was science and reading for me unfortunately. I seeked help from my A&P professor and he had created a TEAS review of biology and anatomy for his students. I studied that and the focused review on ATI. A month of studying brought up my score by 6%. I didn't study math or English because I scored 90% in math and 86% in English. Around 70% for science and reading.

When you take the exam you can see your weak points which was science and reading for me unfortunately. I seeked help from my A&P professor and he had created a TEAS review of biology and anatomy for his students. I studied that and the focused review on ATI. A month of studying brought up my score by 6%. I didn't study math or English because I scored 90% in math and 86% in English. Around 70% for science and reading.

Did you get the same exam?

I think you scored very well! Especially in math and English. English and science are really hard sections in the ATI manual.

Did you get the same exam?

I think you scored very well! Especially in math and English. English and science are really hard sections in the ATI manual.

I don't remember, but I definitely received some of the same questions. I tested at the same location when I registered both times. I don't think I would've received the same questions if it was a different location. And I did feel a lot more well-informed about certain questions that were repeated after studying. Because the first time around, some questions caught me off guard because I didn't know what kind of questions to expect. Have you taken the exam yet? And did you see your weak points, if so?

I don't remember, but I definitely received some of the same questions. I tested at the same location when I registered both times. I don't think I would've received the same questions if it was a different location. And I did feel a lot more well-informed about certain questions that were repeated after studying. Because the first time around, some questions caught me off guard because I didn't know what kind of questions to expect. Have you taken the exam yet? And did you see your weak points, if so?

I haven't take it yet. I keep putting it off because I don't want to fail. I have taken the test in the practice Manual and I am scoring ok. I just hear so many negatives about this test, Idk what to do. For example, I hear from some people that its very detailed, some say its basic AnP. So, I find myself trying to study everything, which takes forever...oh and I am applying to CCs and some only take your first score, so lots of pressure.

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