CSULB Spring 2016 applicants!

U.S.A. California


Everyone who is applying post your overall scores!

i am currently at a 9.48! I think I might take the TEAS again to try and bump up my score.

Just got my acceptance email last Friday, March 25th!! wooop wooop! I don't know my application score but I have a 3.7 overall gpa, 86% on teas with a Perfect science section, 200+ volunteer hours, and i'm a combat veteran from Afghanistan..don't know if that helped heh... but yeah I guess the orientation is June 3rd and we'll get our official acceptance letters in the mail soon .CONGRATS to all you hard workers! Yeeeee

Hey macdoutmikey! Congrats on your acceptance. If you would like to meet some of your cohorts for csulb fall 2016 there is a thread for that. Just search up csulb fall 2016 applicants. Let me know if you have any questions. This thread you commented on is for spring 2016 applicants. Anyways congrats man!


I am about to start the nursing program at CSULB this fall, and I wanted to ask those of you who are in the program a question! I'm debating whether or not I should take pathophysiology and/or pharmacology this summer before the program because I found an availability at an approved school and just think it would make my 1st semester more "easier." However, I realized that money-wise, I would actually be spending more taking it at a CC during the summer because tuition at CSULB is the same once it's past 7 units. What do you guys think?

For those who did, how difficult was it taking both those courses together with clinicals and all that? Would you recommend taking them before the program begins even though I will be paying slightly more?

Thanks in advance!!

Can you guys post your gpa please, I really want to get into csulb and I want to know my chances

Hi guys! Ive been waitlisted and I was wondering if you guys could tell me during your application period for Spring 2016 how far up the alternate waitlist did the SON go up to?

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