Nursing Students Post Graduate



I'm about to turn in my application for Cal State Fullerton's EL-MSN 2011 program in person tomorrow (I know...what a procrastinator!). I'm just wondering, are there any CSUF applicants out there? If you turned your application in already, have you heard from the school yet?

Hello Everyone,

I applied to CSUF EL-MSN program last year but did not get in. From what I remember the self-stamped envelope is for a checklist they send about what pre-reqs you have completed or have not. It is not for acceptance or deny letters.

thanks for the clarification Bunz57!

hey guys,

you may have already seen this but i thought i would post it just in case. on csuf son new beta website they have a timeline for the admissions process. it looks like we should be hearing something as early as the end of march.

i've applied...now what?

january 15 to february 28 - application packets are due.

applications will be processed and applicants will be ranked based on the system put forth in the information packet.

late march to early april - a pool of the highest ranking applicants will be invited to come to an interview with faculty from the school of nursing. interviews will be scheduled at this time.

those invited to interview will, at this time, complete the csuf university application via csumentor.com.

april to mid-may - interviews will take place. those invited to interview will start with 0 points and be assigned, up to 50 points, during the interview by the interview committee. the interviewees will be ranked again and admission status will be determined based on interview ranking.

mid-may to early june - the 33 highest ranked interviewees will be offered admission the the el-msn program for the following fall term. those who interviewed but were not offered admission will remain on an alternate list in the event there are spaces available in the el-msn program.

june - those who have been offered admission to the el-msn program will need to officially accept admission. *

july - el-msn orientation. this is mandatory. absence from the orientation will result in being dismissed from the el-msn program.

Thank you, Psych_to_nurse!

Thanks!! I had not seen this.

Just out of curiosity, what track does everyone want to study at CSUF? I don't think they asked us on the app itself what we wanted.

I think for this program, there's only one, CNL.

I think for this program, there's only one, CNL.

Actually, as far as I knew, this is not a CNL program. It is a MSN in Leadership and Management. I know it seems like the same thing but I don't think you get a CNL certification from this program. Leadership and management is the default track but I believe you can switch to a different track later in the program. I could be wrong about this.

Its confusing trying to remember what all these schools offer haha. CSUF says that the graduate component prepares you for a clinical leadership role. I wonder what the difference is between this and being a certified clinical nurse leader...

Ohhh, no wonder they didn't ask what we wanted to major in.. lols.. I'm so lost. I guess I was confused when they mentioned studying all those areas during the PRE-licensure part..

I would think that the Clinical Leadership role is the same as the CNL, since on the CSUF website where we check our status, it says that I chose "MSN CNL" or something like that for graduate study.

Oh true, I was just confused why they never actually stated anywhere that you earned a CNL certification at the end. I dont think I have even checked my status online yet...

I think it might have been mentioned during the info session. I think she also said we can sit for Public Health Certification after the program. If I remember correctly, many of the CNL programs contain Public Health coursework, making us eligible for Public Health Certification. I could be wrong, as Sam198 indicated, the different nursing programs I applied to are starting to blur together. :)

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