CSUEB nursing program

U.S.A. California



do any of you know how the csueb nursing program is? is it fun? is it hard? how hard is it to get in?

Also, i speak a foreign language and i know that you can get extra points for that, but how many extra points would i get? would it help me standing to get into a nursing program a great deal?

I really want to go to csueb for nursing school, i will be applying next yr so i am really working hard on getting good grades and keeping my GPA as high as possible. Also, are their TEAS test hard? what score should i get on it to be competitive?

Thanks in advance!

April/May is all i have heard from the advisers. They send out the letters all at one time and there's no way to find out early. My adviser says she usually hears about people getting feedback around May 5th though, however i do have a friend in the program that says she got hers in April last year. Sorry I can't be of more help... they are incredibly vague about it. Its all super top secret. Good luck!

Specializes in Telemetry.

Hoping it is sooner rather than later.. I'm counting down the days till "the end of April"!

Go somewhere else. I had 4.0 in prereqs, and 98% on Teas. I was dismissed as a late level two because my instructor ------------------ didn't like me. It was tragic, she got me kicked out of the entire program without cause. Don't think it can't happen to you

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