CSN Spring 2015

U.S.A. Nevada


Is anyone applying for Spring 2015 Nursing Program 2015? I applied for Fall 2014 with 37 points and will be applying for Spring 2015 with 38 points. Does anyone have pointers for the application process? Has anyone gone to the limited entry workshop? I have been discouraged, and need some uplifting information.

Last I saw, aid begins distributing Jan 13th, so it's a really close shave. I'm in the same boat, keeping my fingers crossed it all works itself out!

That is what I was wondering too, or just wait until orientation?

I have a question, I just looked at my immunization record and it stated that I have already taken three of my Hep B shots, one when I was 8 years old and two when I was 10 years old. Does this mean I don't have to take it again or am I suppose to get a new shot since it has been a while (about 11 years ago) that I have gotten it?

I imagine all the questions will be answered this Friday at the orientation. Being prior military, I imagine many of my shots will be good to go.

I have a question, I just looked at my immunization record and it stated that I have already taken three of my Hep B shots, one when I was 8 years old and two when I was 10 years old. Does this mean I don't have to take it again or am I suppose to get a new shot since it has been a while (about 11 years ago) that I have gotten it?

If your shot record fits their requirements, I think you should be fine. If not, you can always have a blood titer done. Check the handbook for the specifics, they're in there. I'm considering just getting re-vaccinated because it seems more time/money efficient.

Specializes in Public Health.

Having a titer was much easier than doing the shot records thing. Saved time and money. Just go to your regular doc and have them do it for the cost of an office visit.

Thank you very much for your input @JulesW07 and @SlinkyheadRN!!! I am thinking of asking the people in charge on Friday to see if it is accepted... If not, then I will probably have a titer done or maybe get re-vaccinated. I figure having a titer done is better because the CSN health guidelines states you need 2 doses of chicken pox. My record shows I only received one dose of chicken pox @18 years old in the U.S., but I should be already immuned to it since I had already

gotten chicken pox when I was a kid in the Philippines! >_

Does anything change with financial aid since my major is now nursing and not prenursing?

Also where's the best place to go for CPR certification?

One last question. Does anyone plan to do summer school?

I asked when I went in for my appointment if we could do summer classes and they said no, those summer classes are for pt students.

Well crap. I was hoping I could just to ease the load during the semester

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