CSN Spring 2011 RN Program

U.S.A. Nevada


Good Afternoon All!

I thought it was about time to begin a thread for those applying for entry into the Spring 2011 RN Program at CSN. My big question is: Will you be applying to the full-time or part-time program and with how many points? It might also be nice to get to know some of our (hopefully) future classmates! I am applying to the Full-Time program with 29 points. Will that be enough? I sure hope so!

Good luck to everyone and I look forward to reading your replies!

~ Cupcake

Hey Sunshine, I think you're wanting to look for phone calls, not the mail. They usually call people that made it into the program and send something in the mail for those that didn't. :)

Oh, I know! If I don't get a phone call I want to live in denial for a few days;)

Haha, ok. I just wanted to make sure you were looking out for the phone call too.

I'm going to be calling my house phone all day tomorrow. I'll be in clinicals for my CNA course until 3 tomorrow. At least, I'll be busy and won't have time to worry about it. :D

Well, I called Debbie this afternoon and the selection process is still taking place. We may not get our calls until early next week :eek:

I called the Health Science office today also and was told the same thing! She said it could be until next week before we find out :confused: I hope it doesn't take that long. Even though I "know" I won't be getting in I still have some hope ;) I hope they are wrong and the calls do start tomorrow!


Well...that's disappointing.

UUUHHHGGGG! That is not good news.... This waiting is driving me insane!

next week..? as if we all weren't stressed out enough :crying2: i really hope they make their decisions sooner...

Next week?!?!?!:eek:

Well...let's just hope for the best and try not to worry about it. I know easier said than done. :)

another few days? im dying of waiting :anbd:

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