CSN RN Spring 2013

U.S.A. Nevada


Hello everyone, I'm new to the site and I was wondering if there are any fellow CSN RN Spring '13 hopefuls out there. I just turned in my application today and I would love to get to know some of my potential classmates through this forum :)

I should have bought my nametags there :/ Stupid bookstore. I was there getting my toolbox book along with other stuff and I didn't realize that they were $12 each until I looked at the receipt. What a ripoff!

I guess I will be buying myself a nice $700+ Christmas gift next week! How exciting!....not...

Sombra, I haven't seen you around here lately. Did you ever find the facebook group?[/quote

I did the same thing. I didn't realize how expensive they were until I looked at the receipt!!! I bought mine when I picked up toolbox book too! I still have to go back and get them next week when I get my books. Are you getting the ebooks bundle? I am going to get that bundle.....It's getting closer!!!!

I'm getting the hard copies. I don't care to read from a computer so much. I know it is getting so close! One more month...I'm so excited! :yeah:

Does anyone plan on getting any books from the recommended book list?

I did get some but only the ones that i could find cheap.

Does anyone plan on getting any books from the recommended book list?

I did get a few...the Davis Drug book because I have been using one for years in my pharmacy and I wanted my own copy, and I prefer it over the one they required. I also got The Potter & Perry Study Guide and The Jarvis Lab Manual since they were recommended by actual students. I got them for much less on Amazon than the cost at the bookstore. They rip you off so much at the bookstore. I nearly cried when I opened the $727 cardboard box. I really wish I just bought them all from Amazon. They would have run about $450 (new!) but it is what it is. I suppose the online access is a plus (a REALLY expensive one). Maybe next semester I will go the cheaper, non bookstore route...

Yes, always go cheaper! Even craigsist has a few people selling their books!!! The only recommended books I ever got were the study guides, and then like I've said before, the Made incredibly easy books, straight A's books and demystified books (not all 3 for ever course though!)

Yes, always go cheaper! Even craigsist has a few people selling their books!!! The only recommended books I ever got were the study guides, and then like I've said before, the Made incredibly easy books, straight A's books and demystified books (not all 3 for ever course though!)[/QUO

You always post such helpful info. Thanks. So you recommend all the study guides for first semester or which ones helped you the most. I have checked out the made incredibly easy books from the library. I will have to look for the study guides on Amazon. Thanks again for your helpful posts. It really is appreciated!!!!!

As an "upper classmen" I feel it's my duty! It's hard, and you feel so lost, so any help, I know, is much appreciated.

For the study guides, I just got the one for Potter and Perry and Jarvis. Also, and I know this sounds early, but an NCLEX book is a good guide as well! I have the Saunders one, and it's awesome! https://www.google.com/shopping/product/7510111570812713446?q=saunders+nclex&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS517US517&oq=Saunders+N&aqs=chrome.0.0j57j5j0j62l2.4511&sugexp=chrome,mod%3D8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ei=Z2DsUOqYMOmi2wWB7oCAAg&ved=0CLQBEMwD

As an "upper classmen" I feel it's my duty! It's hard, and you feel so lost, so any help, I know, is much appreciated.

For the study guides, I just got the one for Potter and Perry and Jarvis. Also, and I know this sounds early, but an NCLEX book is a good guide as well! I have the Saunders one, and it's awesome! https://www.google.com/shopping/product/7510111570812713446?q=saunders+nclex&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS517US517&oq=Saunders+N&aqs=chrome.0.0j57j5j0j62l2.4511&sugexp=chrome,mod%3D8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ei=Z2DsUOqYMOmi2wWB7oCAAg&ved=0CLQBEMwD

wonderful! thanks so much!

Are the class rooms listed in MyCSN correct for the toolbox class? I remember them saying they weren't correct in orientation, does anyone have the correct classrooms?

This is what a friend posted on FB

MoTuWeThFr 8:00AM - 10:40AM, 12:00PM - 2:40PM, 4:00PM - 6:40PM West Charleston Bldg I 303

We all made it through our first week! A couple more hurdles to go and we will be out there with the patients once we make it past ACE 3. It is a shame though that some people are continually talking about being there before and failing the dosage calculations test multiple times amd being kicked out of the program. I think we all realize how serious it is at this point and don't need the added stress and negativity involved with hearing that over and over. It's draining... We can all do this!

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