Nursing Students SRNA
Published Mar 22, 2007
440 Posts
Hi my dream is to do the CRNA (nurse anesthetist) I have to small children now so by the time I do the program they will be 8,9. I was wondering if anyone is out there who is doing the program has school aged children or did the program while raising children. Thanks your input would be greatly appreciated!
45 Posts
Yeap,I will be doing that. My son is 2 years old. I heard it is hard. But you know what it is doable. So,for the next 28 months he is not going to see me but in the future it will all pay off,right. Got to think positive! Also,I think having a storng family support is important when it comes to CRNA school.
Good luck to you!
99 Posts
Completing the program is doable while raising kids....but you would just have to make certain sacrifices. I hope that you have a strong family support system. Most CRNA students have told me that they can't work at all during the program because it is so demanding.
218 Posts
It absolutely can be done, and well if your kids are old enough to understand what you are trying to do.
I will be attending with a 3 year old in tow, there will be some sacrifices in the form of time and sleep, but I have a S.O. who is supportive and eager for me to see it through. I have a friend who will be attending this fall and has two kids and is a single parent...with absolutely no other help. She has started a game with them now where they spend evenings at the table competing to complete homework, they with thier's and she with a biochem book. It may not be perfect, but it allows the family some time together when she is studying... as for clinicals- who knows? The point is, it can be done.
198 Posts
Family support in your situation cannot be overemphasized. If you wish to be successful during school, you need to delegate the majority of the responsibility to whoever will be caring for your children. I would make it a prerequisite for a parent SRNA to have live-in family if I was a director of a program.
I had some time to enjoy my family and children during school, and was very pleased to have a very supportive wife, family and friends to help care for my daughter. She was 1-3 during anesthesia school, and still loves me. My son was born where I did my OB rotations with 3 months left to go...fortunately he was oblivious. I am not sure how much more, or less attention two older children will require.
Good luck...tell your children it will be worth it in the long run. You may show them how hard work and sacrifice can lead to good things.
Thanks so much for the replies I see that family support is key. I do have some family support and I will not let go of my dream. I think hearing that others can do makes me think that its doable. Thanks again.
103 Posts
I didnt have kids (thank GOD!) Its super hard....BUT my girlfriend in the class had a 12 year old daughter, they used to study in the evenings together.....sets a great example for them....there is always a silver lining :))
Thanks for the tips. Can you at least work like 20 hrs a week I wonder?
72 Posts
I have 2 boys (3&5), and it has meant some away time, but for the most part i can totally dedicate one full night and at least one weekend day per week to family. Not every week has worked out, but Christmas break was great. Spring break was half study, half funtime. Didactic portion ends in 3 months, I don't know how clinical residency will treat us, but it too shall pass.
5 Posts
I am a single dad and moved 2000 miles away from any family members to go to school. They were 3 & 5 years old when I started, now 5 & 7 and we're finally done! It was tough to find time for studying, usually after they went to bed. I was in a front loaded program, so the first several months went ok with just taking them to school and going to class. When I started full time clinicals, I hired an au pair, which was the best and least expensive option for someone leaving early in the morning, taking call shifts, etc. I made sure to make special time with the kids, taking weekend trips to Miami or Orlando to go to the zoo or parks, made dinner with them almost every night, etc. It's a long, hard road and I think that working at all would be terribly difficult. I worked a few shifts when I first started (didactic phase), but that soon became too much. I am waiting for my CCNA exam results now, but hopefully it will all have paid off and benefited my kids and I immensely!
130 Posts
No. Don't even consider it. Your studies will suffer and you'll be out on your rear end.
104 Posts
I can't even find time to work 8 hours a week and I don't have kids. You should plan on not working at all. I know it is said over and over how busy anesthesia school is, but I cannot emphasize it enough. It is like nothing I have ever done. There really is no comparison to the amount of time you will spend studying and being in class and clinicals. When I do have some spare time, I am so exhausted all I want to do is sleep!