CRNA FIU Starting Spring 2019

Nursing Students SRNA


Hello everyone! Recently applied to FIU's program, and just wanted to know if anyone out there (there has to be) has also sent in there application. Want to get a feel for my possible future Classmates and general information.

Hey you guys, Congrats to each of you for applying and good luck. I know it must be overwhelming at times. I plan on applying the next cycle for FIU's CRNA program. Can you guys tell me how your interview process was? Iv'e read up on a lot of different interviews students go through while applying for CRNA. But none regarding FIU specifically. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you

Hi TraumaRN95, on the day of the interview the students mentioned that the class will include 45 students, do you think is possible that already were sent all the acceptance letters during 2 days?

Even if it all acceptance letters were sent out in 2 days, not everyone who was granted admission will accept the seat. They may or may not go with another school. The deadline to accept or decline was today. There is still a possibility. =)

Even if it all acceptance letters were sent out in 2 days, not everyone who was granted admission will accept the seat. They may or may not go with another school. The deadline to accept or decline was today. There is still a possibility. =)

I just want to throw it out there that as I had previously stated I received my acceptance Wednesday 5/23 but I did not have to respond by today. The deadline I was given was June 4th.

I guess the people who received their acceptance on that day had a later deadline which makes sense. So a lot can happen in the next couple of weeks...

Hey you guys, Congrats to each of you for applying and good luck. I know it must be overwhelming at times. I plan on applying the next cycle for FIU's CRNA program. Can you guys tell me how your interview process was? Iv'e read up on a lot of different interviews students go through while applying for CRNA. But none regarding FIU specifically. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you

Know your typical interview questions and be prepared for clinical questions. Mine was more clinical than personal I feel. Know your drips, your vent settings, EKG, etc. Basically stuff you do on a day to day basis in the ICU. Things seems to change year by year, so just be prepared for anything! Good luck!

I agree with aracelip27. My interview was mainly clinical based. A quick introduction and why you want to be a CRNA followed by all clinical scenarios. I would also know your PALS/ACLS, specific dosages for any meds, and ABGs. Depending on your nursing specialty they may try to slant the questions specifically to your specialty of adults vs peds.

Check your emails. I just received my alternate list. I am beyond heartbroken. Good luck to all.

Check your emails. I just received my alternate list. I am beyond heartbroken. Good luck to all.

Same here

Check your emails. I just received my alternate list. I am beyond heartbroken. Good luck to all.

Alternate list here as well; respond by 6/11....still waiting for UM and will be applying to Barry now...Congrats to all that were accepted!

ANyone ever hear of acceptance while on the alternate list??? Because I have not.

Fiu was my first choice. I've applied to Barry and UM but UM still has not called me for an interview although my stats are great. Im super stressed about all of this.

Fiu was my first choice. I've applied to Barry and UM but UM still has not called me for an interview although my stats are great. Im super stressed about all of this.

FIU was my first choice as well...I agree this has been more than stressful! UM is sooo slow.

Did you hear back from Barry yet?

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