Critique my admission essay PLEASE & Thank you!

Nurses General Nursing


first thanks for taking time to read and offer any feedback on my admission essay. (it's 500 words) im open to any suggestions. my goal is show my passion and excite for nursing, as well as clearly state the reason why i am pursing nursing, my career objectives, and etc...

please let me know if its coming across that way...or do i need to simply start over/adjust etc....

ps: i believe my essay is going to be a key factor in my acceptance due to a low previous degree gpa (2.4)....current pre-req gpa (3.4)



there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. ecclesiastes 3:1

to make it through the life that i've been dealt i hold on to the saying that everything happens for a reason; from being sexually and physically abused at home, to being sexually exploited outside of my home, to being abandoned, forced into homelessness, and even stints in foster care. as a child i was exposed to the lifestyle of drugs, alcohol, murder, prostitution, robbery, and domestic violence; and that's just some of what occurred during my adolescent years.

when i was a child i didn't want to be a nurse. i didn't have positive role models, i wasn't told that achieving a dream was in the realm of possibilities; in fact i was never encouraged to have life goals, to do my best in school, or even to aspire to be a woman who i could look in the mirror every day.

so now that i'm an adult, why do i want to be a nurse? the average response would be something like, "because i am compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive to the needs of others". all those reasons are nice and i have those qualities in abundance, but the reason, although simple, is deeper. my altruism overwhelms me. growing up surrounded by pain and suffering i naturally developed the desire to heal, support, and comfort. i've been an active volunteer in my community since my childhood; when i am serving my community i have an immense sense of completion. shadowing nurses and gaining hands on experience gave me a feeling i had never felt before...fulfillment. it's like what people say about finding your soul mate, you just know. words can't express the appreciation and pride i get from being a volunteer in the er.

professionally, my ambitions are to attain my bsn, with the ultimate goal of earning a master's degree in order to become a nurse anesthetist. philanthropically, i'm dreaming of the day that i can walk into a disadvantaged neighborhood clinic or visit an impoverished country to donate my services. i am emotionally, physically, and mentally prepared and capable of handling the demanding requirements of pursuing both a nursing education and career. despite of my upbringing i am immensely honest and never falter in my integrity. my maturity, dedication, and passion surpass that of my peers. i am always respectful and my perseverance knows no limits. furthermore, i am proficient working in diverse, as well as homogeneous communities; i excel under pressure, during emergencies, and in chaotic environments.

i work and attend school, both full-time, and i'm active in my community. i am the only person in my family to ever attend college. i didn't take the conventional way of pursing a nursing career. there's no one right path to any destination but there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. i know that nursing is my calling, and this is my season.

Specializes in OB/GYN, Peds, School Nurse, DD.
OOps! We must have been writing at the same time! Glad you got it. As for the low GPA, I would not address that until they ask you during your interview/response from your application to school. Again, you wanna play your cards close to the vest and let them come to YOU for any additional explanations.

I agree. Don't give negative information about yourself until asked. If they don't ask, then don't tell.Not to minimize your abusive experiences AT ALL(believe me, I empathize) but some things are better kept to oneself.

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