Published Oct 23, 2005
1 Post
i'm thinking about nursing school, but i have 3 d.u.i.'s .. has anyone information whether this would restrict and // or prohibit me from becoming a registered nurse?? please help if you know anything
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If you do a search within these forums, you will find numerous threads on this subject.
Many nursing programs require a background check. You must declare. And, if you are accepted and all is o.k. with them regarding your previous offenses, you will still have to provide the state board of nursing (BON) in your state with your offenses. They (the BON) will decide whether to license you. It is decided on an individual basis and no one is decided the same. Just be honest. Many have had this issue and have successfully been licensed. Just be honest.
99 Posts
one yes 2 maybe but 3 i dont know> i dont mean to sound harsh but 3 is alot! but the only people that can help you will be the BON of your state. call them and be frank with them, also call a local hospital in your area and speak to the human resource department and tell them your situation and they will tell you your chances of being hired are... goodluck
Honesty with the BON should be your first step. If they decide you would be allowed to practice in Colorado you will be required to participate in their diversion program, the Colorado Nurse Health Program. Substance abuse treatment may be a requirement of your contract. They have a website: They take patient safety seriously here and untreated ETOH or drug addiction is a violation of the Colorado nurse practice act. Best of luck in your endeavors.
46 Posts
A new career in nursing can be life changing at the deepest level. I hope that you find what you're looking for.
955 Posts
The Board of Nursing will have to consider everything. You will have a better chance if your arrests were a significant time ago, and if you have proof of sobriety, counseling, alcohol programs, etc... perhaps a recommendation from your parole officer would help. I know it helped for a coworker of mine. With three such arrests it will be difficult, but not impossible.
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
You must contact the BON, as all decisions of this nature are handled on an individual basis.
I will say, that any many places, a record of 3 DUIs might bar you from employment in some facilities. Most facilities run background checks, credit checks, etc. and have stricter standards than the BON may hold. And 3 DUIs tends to make them feel that you may be a less than stellar employee, just as a poor credit rating might.
301 Posts
I have never had any dui's, but do hold a Co RN license. I live in CA and recently was hired for a pediatric position at a large university children's hospital. The hospital ran an extensive background check, including driving record. They make it know if you have these types of things on your record--you will not be hired. If the nursing board and schools accept you and allow licensing, it does not necessarily mean an employer will hire you.
I have never had any dui's, but do hold a Co RN license. I live in CA and recently was hired for a pediatric position at a large university children's hospital. The hospital ran an extensive background check, including driving record. They make it know if you have these types of things on your record--you will not be hired. If the nursing board and schools accept you and allow licensing, it does not necessarily mean an employer will hire you.Missy
I am visiting this site because I also got a dui (one) and had an altercation with my girlfiend in 1997 that resulted in a misdemeandor conviction. I am worried that I am putting all of this time into nursing school, will be allowed to take the board test and then will be denied employment due a couple of moments of indiscretion. I see a lot worse practicing than what I have done. I think the BON needs to be very very specific in their stipulations of will and will not allow type convictions.
180 Posts
OneMarlow -- me too! I had a DUI 4 years ago -- something I will NEVER do again, and also an incident with a boyfriend 8 years ago which was an arrest but no charges. I was 23 and 19 respectively and was emerging from a rough, careless adolesence. I am in pre-nursing right now and plan to speak with my advisor on Friday about this.