12 Credits @ WCCCD

U.S.A. Michigan


I just called the nursing office and little to my dismay, the the 12 credits that has to be obtained before you can apply to WCCCD's nursing program doesn't start until January of 2009. I went to two information meetings before I applied this term and they stated that you must have 12 credit hours to even be considered for Spring 09. All of a sudden at the last minute they changed it without even informing the students. That was some BS. If I would have known that I would have applied in February instead of getting my hopes up high for nothing. Now I have to do the whole application process over again. Thanks WCCCD. Where learning truly does lead to a better life!

Here is my main concern...if I apply more than once will it look bad? I am not upset, I just think I have a good chance because not so many ppl will be ready to apply in FEB, due to the new requirements. To me fall semester is sooner than spring, so if I can get in in FEB then yay for me. I know I will get in in June because I will have a 3.7 and special consideration. To some it may seem silly, but it can't hurt can it?

Thank you to everyone who is relying. It's killing me cause I want in sooo bad!lol

I would apply, why not?? And no it does not look bad, people apply 3+ times before they get in. :D

I wish you the best of luck! and keep at it!

Hey. I too am applying in febuary with a 3.4 GPA. This is my second time applying, I applied in september and got denied because my GPA. I'm retaking micro this semester and finishing all my coreqs to bring my GPA up just in case I dont make it when I apply this time. So that means I would be appling again in June with a 3.7 or higher and all my co reqs finished, so our situation is simillar. I say it wont hurt to keep trying because I know I am.

Hey. I too am applying in febuary with a 3.4 GPA. This is my second time applying, I applied in september and got denied because my GPA. I'm retaking micro this semester and finishing all my coreqs to bring my GPA up just in case I dont make it when I apply this time. So that means I would be appling again in June with a 3.7 or higher and all my co reqs finished, so our situation is simillar. I say it wont hurt to keep trying because I know I am.

When you receive your letter, it tell you the reason you didn't get accepted?

Thank you for the encouragement! Good luck to you too!!

Yea redaytohitthehospital, it had a denial letter on the first piece of paper and the second sheet had a list of reason why you were denied. The reason they checked was because my GPA didnt meet the cutoff of a 3.7

i attended an info meeting in november. mrs. n was pretty clear on the requirements...

1) if you are a transfer student you need at least 12 credits before you apply.

2) you must have a 59 on the math portion of the net... (i can't remember the composite score but it was low)

maybe you all should just take the info from the info meetings.... i'm realizing that wcccd is not the most organized, but i think their nursing program outranks all the other community colleges in the state... so the positives out wau the negatives.

just curious....why do you think wcccd outranks all the other cc's in michigan?

Well it won't hurt to try in FEB right? I mean do have a chance seeing as though there are new requirments and there may not be 300 ppl applying in FEB...And yes I know all the requirements and I completely understood them. I just wanted to see what others had to say.

If you don't apply in Feb. w/ your 3.4 GPA, you won't get in for sure. If you DO apply, there's a chance you MIGHT get in. Why in the world would you pass up any opportunity to squeeze into nursing school? LOTS of people apply multiple times to WCCCD - it doesn't make you look bad at all.

Waiting until you have a 3.7 just delays your goals. Listen to your gut and grab the opportunity in front of you. Never, ever stop trying, no matter how slim the chance appears.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for the encouragement! I am redoing a class this semester and signed up to redo the NET..My plan is to do my very best this semester even thouh I am applying in FEB..If not in FEB, I am for sure getting in in JUN!!


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