Published Nov 8, 2013
21 Posts
We all have those crazy mothers, right ? Mom's who think they know everything over you, you know, because you weren't medically trained in anything, they just put you in this job.
Had this student came in the other day requesting her SVN treatment, she wasn't even in any kind of distress, could have rested and have been better, but, her mom knows best, so if she asks for the treatment, we give it to her. Okay, fine, we give it to her. She hooks it up herself, and instead of placing her lips around the piece, she just holds it in front of her face, mind you, while all the medication is blowing around her.
We tell her a couple of times, in the nicest way to take deep breaths and really breath in her medication. We even called mom to let her know she was in there. Mom picked her up mad, okay, mind you, mom is crazy, whatever. She then comes in on Friday(I was out of town) and yells at my assistant(who is a medical assistant) saying that we don't know what we are doing, how dare we tell her daughter to do something different then what she was been doing the wrong way.
She then came in today to hand me a care plan of exactly how she wanted the treatment to be given, all she wrote was "take breaths normally" and she also said she would take this up with her PCP about this issue. She basically wants the physician to prove that what I did was wrong. I basically told her she could do that. She also said that we weren't even medical professionals, I told her "Well, I am a paramedic" and all she replied was "Yeah, well you're still not an RN"
Did I do the wrong thing ? How would you have handled it ?
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,703 Posts
Did you ever get medication/treatment order for the treament from the PCP? Wtth a treatment plan there should be parameters (Peak flow numbers, O2 sats , breath sounds come to mind) that justify the treatment. Are you a nurse or a paramedic or both?
and yes, there are some crazy parents out there!
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
I'm still surprised you are permitted to work in such a role as a new grad paramedic. In my state paramedics are only permitted to administer medications & ALS treatments under direction/protocol of an emergency department physician.
Do you have a physician signed asthma action plan for this child ? Blow by is quite often used in pediatrics. If the child started with neb treatments at a young age this may be all they know. Granted an MDI with spacer & mask is more efficient medication delivery system. (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia even uses MDI's with spacer & mask in the NICU)